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Hairy Biped

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Everything posted by Hairy Biped

  1. His dad was our OC my soph and jr years in high school in the mid 80s. One day Bill Boy rolled up to visit one of our practices in a Cadillac convertible with the top down and his wife/girlfriend was wearing a big fur coat when it was about 80 degrees. We were all like, "what the hell is going on here?"
  2. I have one of those boxes somewhere in my memorabilia collection. I packed it all away when I moved and haven't seen it since. That was in 2003.
  3. Probably coincidence, but the location where the Black Hawk started tracking from was the home of a Saudi Cultural Attaché.
  4. Holy shit! I didn't realize that was her half sister. I have a crazy, long distance (like really long distance) connection to all of this. Robyn Lively was in Teen Witch with my buddy Lee. He only had a small part in the movie, but he was on the movie poster and VHS cover. His family actually owned my childhood home before my parents bought the house from his parents. Sorry for the thread hijack, but it really is a small world.
  5. I'm almost at the age where everything confuses me, and this thread is one of those everythings. As a side note, does anybody know if they still make Hawaiian Punch?
  6. CSB, the band who sang that song, Deep Blue Something, played at my 21st birthday party at a buddy's house before they "hit it big". I choose them because they were getting popular on the Texas college scene, so I knew that it would attract the sorority type girls and the plan worked. I ended up hooking up with not one, but two that night. Not at the same time though. Good memories.
  7. That loss to KC was the death knell for the Oilers. I remember after the game, people were burning their Oilers gear in small bonfires in the parking lot. The fanbase started losing interest at that point because Bud Adams was crying for a new stadium, but wouldn't spend the money to put a championship level team on the field. The fans pretty much threw up the double birds and Adams took the money and ran. When the Oilers left, it felt like a member of my immediate family had died. I've tried to love the Texans, but it's just never been the same. I don't think it ever will.
  8. It wasn't a false start. He reacted to the UGA player jumping offsides. If the defender moves offsides, any offensive player can "react" to it, and the penalty is on the defense. It's unusual that he was so far from the offending player, but the rule still stands.
  9. Jack-hammer feet! That was his too. I actually appreciated his calls, because as annoying as he could be, he was always engaging and unbiased. But over the top for sure.
  10. Winning a playoff game is always more valuable than balling out and losing. That's the wholefucking point to playing playoff games. Nobody is arguing that he didn't play great, but he wasn't the MVP because he lost and his season is over and his effort didn't impact that outcome. That's not even worth arguing. It was a bitch move. Losers are losers and should always be treated accordingly. He can be the All-Peach Bowl RB, but he was not the most valuable player, because HE FUCKING LOST.
  11. Just saw that they gave Skat the Peach Bowl MVP. First time ever the MVP has come from the losing team. He had a great game, no doubt, but I'm pretty sure that an INT to clinch a playoff win, or 2 TD and one 2 point conversion passes in OT to win the game are more valuable. It's a bitch move. I'm getting where I fucking hate those chodes in Atlanta.
  12. What a shit show that game was. I have no idea how we won it. I hope we got all of our "stupid" out in that game, and play focused from here on out. But, I have my doubts. But finding a way to survive a day like today is no small feat. Live to play another day. Time to move on to bigger and better things.
  13. Fuck Joe Tessitore and fuck Jesse Palmer too. They've ruined far too many college football game viewing experiences. They're every bit as bad as Galindo.
  14. The call was correct, but shit, they don't miss a call against Boise St. They sure miss a lot from PSU tho.
  15. The stadium talk always confuses me. FIrst of all, Kyle is still a weirdly built shithole, with more obstructed and limited view seats than any other stadium I've ever been to. Secondly, how would they know shit about DKR? They haven't been there in more than 14 years. DKR has gone through 2 or 3 renovations/updates since then. They are collectively indoctrinated into believing everything A&M is the best that exists, and none of them are objective enough to question or research it. That, of course, is the core issue preventing them from being successful at anything.
  16. The Superdome, where the bowl game was being played. This year Sam played played/won at NRG, Rice Stadium and The Superdome, all of which have hosted SBs. It was probably the best trivia question they could come up with for those 2 teams. The attendance tonight was less than 14,000. They should've played the game at Tulane instead.
  17. A few weeks ago I saw something that I thought might be a large drone from my backyard. At first I thought it was just a regular jumbo jet climbing out of Bush IAH, since I have a great view of them leaving Houston and flying West. But what caught my attention was that it sat in one place for between 20 to 30 minutes, as the normal traffic out of Bush kept moving by, one plane after another. Whatever it was, it had to be pretty big because it looked like the other traffic, except it stayed in the same place, but obviously pretty far away. Similar lights and size. I thought it might be a helicopter, but it was too stationary for that. No idea what it was. I didn't see it move off, I went inside for a little while and when I checked later it was gone.
  18. I had one walk across the highway right in front of me about 10 years ago. It walked with a limp like one of its' front paws was injured. It was fairly close to Somerville Lake in Burleson County. I talked to the local game warden about it and he said it was probably just moving through the area. At that time there were several farmers and ranchers in the surrounding counties claiming a mountain lion had been attacking their horses and livestock. I also had a buddy that saw one about 20 miles from my sighting, about a month earlier. On another occasion, probably 20 years ago, I saw one at Colorado Bend State Park. We were camping up under the wall of one of the big bluffs overlooking the park and river, and saw it perched up on the top of the cliff in broad daylight, watching my friend's young son playing on the shore of the river. That freaked us out a little bit.
  19. The rumor in Huntsville is that they're gonna pick Marion to replace Keeler at Sam
  20. He interviewed twice at Tulane (on the down low) last year to replace Willie Fritz, who he replaced at Sam. Some SHSU insiders I know thought he was gone then, because he seemed ready to move on from Huntsville. I'm not surprised that he got offers after leading Sam to a bowl and a last second FG away from the CUSA championship game this year. I just expected it to be a better landing spot than Temple. But he gets to go home to Pennsylvania, I guess. I agree with the idea that Sam has no real business being FBS and would probably still be rolling in FCS, but like all of the others, they're chasing those $$$. Even with buys out and entry fees and such, they're pulling in a ton more money now than they were when they were playing for and winning championships in the FCS.
  21. You think that's bad, according to their website, the midnight yell for us is at 5:30pm. https://calendar.tamu.edu/event/338731-yell-practice-with-head-coach-mike-elko-and-the
  22. Holy shit! This motherfucker needs to go see his gynecologist if his pussy is hurting that much.
  23. I'm well aware that electric motors provide more power. My question is do they provide more durability and longevity. The limited results that I've seen say no, for now. Especially in non-ideal situations like off-roading. It's not to say that it will continue down that path, but it seems like manufacturers are building these vehicle to fit a certain niche, and then making minor changes to appeal to drivers outside of that niche. ICE vehicles are made to fit far more varied uses. And from what I've seen while researching the topic, which is admittedly somewhat limited, electrics don't have longevity on their side. For example, I haven't seen one of the original Tesla sports cars on the road in at least 7 or 8 years, maybe longer. If I pay as much as the current EVs are priced, I expect a vehicle that will have a useful life of 20 or 25 years. I've heard too many stories about people who've had them, that basically had to dispose of theirs after 5 or 6 years. Right now I have a 2002 Jeep Wrangler and a 2008 Honda Accord, both with well over 200,000 miles, and they're still running like a champ. If something breaks, I fix it and it keeps going. Advances in technology haven't made either of them obsolete. You can't really say that about electrics right now. I know the technology will keep moving forward and probably change that, but for now, I'm dubious of all of these vehicles. For me, efficiency and performance aren't the only concerns when it comes to purchasing a car. But I still think that the Scouts and Rivions are really cool and totally get the appeal.
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