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Hairy Biped

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Everything posted by Hairy Biped

  1. I played my HS ball from 85-89 and it was always 1 intersquad and 2 vs other teams. It has been that way since too. I don't know how far you're going back, but that's 30 plus years it's been done this way at least.
  2. Uh . . . in high school in Texas you're allowed one intersquad scrimmage and 2 against other schools before the regular season.
  3. I don't really much give a shit about another team's fans doing the Horns down or the players being penalized for it, so long as our guys don't get flagged for doing it in a similar fashion. What pisses me off is when our players don't do something about it themselves.
  4. Sheboygan Toilet Cloggers would be a great name for a punk band. Or maybe polka band.
  5. Anyone else heard the rumor that Childress is going to Corn?
  6. Shit, all we've had so far is a few renderings showing what it'll look like from 2 or 3 POVs. Any other school that embarks on a reno project like this produces a fancy video with fly-throughs showing a bunch of different angles. I'm shocked that someone as detail oriented as CDC is hasn't been all over doing that. I suspect there's a reason for it. Just like there's a reason that we have no idea what the new basketball arena will look like. I'm not smart enough to know what those reasons are though.
  7. I lived ther for 10 years and nobody from San Antonio calls it San Antone. I learned that quickly when I first moved there.
  8. I found out tonight that the guy that died is a friend of a coworker of mine. She's pretty broken up over it.
  9. I don't remember if this had been posted before or not, but this one was absolutely in the regular cycle for me in the mid 80s. Terrible movie, but lots of gags, one liners and hot chicks.
  10. Sheeee-it, I can't believe that movie would be anyone's favorite 80s movie or even close. Different strokes I guess.
  11. Teen Witch. Not a great movie or even a good one, in fact it's cheesy as hell, but it's a typical "B" teen movie from late in the era. I'm mainly posting this clip because, CSB, I was friends with the dancing/rapping kid in the vest. He's on the movie's VHS box cover too for some reason, even though his role in it is small. His family lived in the house I grew up in before my family bought it in 1977. Also, the chick that's the main character is Robyn Lively and she's Blake Lively's older sister believe it or not.
  12. Smitty's>Kreuz and anyone else. Kreuz BBQ is a pretty close 2nd though.
  13. Mine aren't. Mine are spoiled little sissy brats that won't go outside if it's so much as misting or less than 55 degrees. The only things they kill are the toys I buy them.
  14. Keep in mind that an encounter with a venomous snake isn't really dangerous, but an interaction with one very well can be. The best course, just like pretty much any other aspect of life, is to educate yourself about the risks. If you know where they are, most often in the dunes, you can avoid those areas and still enjoy the beach. They're no more interested in interacting with you, than you are with them. What get's me is seeing dumbass drunk people sneak off into the dunes to take a piss, with no clue of the dangers there.
  15. I still don't understand how Texans don't realize that there are as many or more rattlers on Texas beaches, than all of the rest of the state combined. The abundance of prey is pretty much unlimited in the dunes and so are they. About 10 years ago me and a buddy drove up State Park Road 100 on South Padre Island all of the way until sand had covered the road where you couldn't go any further without 4 wheel drive. We decided to get out and look around, and not more than 30 feet off the road, in the dunes to the bay side of the island, I came across a pit with dozens and dozens, maybe even hundreds of rattlers. Scared the shit out of me. They're everywhere in the dunes. You just usually don't see them.
  16. Hmmmm . . . not to get too political here, but isn't Boulder the fascist city that's trying to unconstitutionally ban guns? Interesting.
  17. Lowell Galindo is okay as long as you don't have to see him or hear him talk.
  18. Here's what Lester was up to before KU hired him. http://youtu.be/bvv2-7iOD_8
  19. A lot of great input. Thanks guys. I'll pick up a bottle of liquid smoke this weekend. * P.S. I'd rep all of you guys, but I'm out all ready.
  20. Hey guys, I'm wanting to smoke a brisket the Saturday before the Super Bowl to serve on Sunday at my family's watch party. I'm wondering what the best process is in both packaging it up after it's cooked and what is the best way to reheat it. I'm planning on also smoking some baby back ribs and fresh sausage on Sunday, so I was wondering if it would be a good idea to reheat it in the smoker at the same time? Also, what temp should I reheat it to? Anybody have experience doing this? Any advice or tips? Thanks!
  21. Carmakers might be able to sell more electrics to a broader audience if they didn't make them all look so stupid. Tesla, who makes the most visually appealing electrics, started out great with the Lotus body, but then even they started making them look fucked up with their screwed up lack of symmetry on their current models. I'd never even consider buying a Volt, or a Prius or any of the others, because the all look goofy and cheap as hell.
  22. No. He was actually about a yard behind it if you look close. I thought so too at first, but when you go back and look, he was behind it.
  23. That was a great game with an amazing, unforgettable finish. Gotta feel sorry for the Duncanville team though. That's a horrible way to lose, especially in a championship game.
  24. I remember when this all played out because I had a very small hand in it. At the time I worked for a video & film production company that was hired by the advertising agency Fox used to design and execute the pitch to the league. We produced an exciting, flashy video, probably 20 minutes long, going over how Fox would cover each game and the new features they would introduce to the game broadcast. They covered every little detail in a very fast paced, high energy way. MTV style I guess you could say. Back then, not many folks were using those sort or tactics for that kind of proposal, so it definitely helped to make it stand out. I was sworn to secrecy and actually paid extra for it. Honestly, I didn't think that Fox had a chance because CBS & NBC had the contracts for so long, and I never imagined that Fox would bid so much for the rights. At the time Fox didn't really use big Fox for sports broadcasting, so everybody assumed that they were bidding for the rights for their regional networks, which only covered certain markets. It was a huge surprise to everyone when they dropped that bomb.
  25. This Brenham team is in serious rebuilding mode. If they were still in Region III, I'm not sure that they would have even made the playoffs this year. I'd love to see them go compete, but I fear that they're in over their heads next weekend. I'm still very impressed with how this year's team picked themselves up after an ugly 1-3 start.
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