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Hairy Biped

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Everything posted by Hairy Biped

  1. Went to Luckenbach on a nice Spring day, walked into the post office/gift store, bought a cold Lone Star from Marge (RIP) at the inside part of the bar. Then meandered around to the area where the outside part of the bar is and noticed a guy playing guitar and singing a Jerry Jeff Walker song under the big oak trees for a small crowd. Slowly wander around to the area where the people were watching and look up at the guy singing and realize that it's Jerry Jeff Walker. This was back when there were still beer tabs all over the ground. Mid to late 90s-ish. That was pretty Texan I think.
  2. aggy didn't reject the Lone Star Network because they didn't have the money for start up. They rejected it because every single partner it was pitched to said that they wanted to air much more Longhorn content than aggy content because Texas was far more valuable to them. Just like when Nike told them the same thing, they got pissed and walked away assuming it would kill any chance for Texas to have a network.
  3. MTV died the day they stopped playing Dokken videos.
  4. And they're cheap as hell too. I have a battery powered leaf blower for when I need to remove a light layer of leaves or grass from the patio or walkway, and a plug in leaf blower that I got from Walmart for like $20, for when I want to remove paint off of walls or grout from between bricks. It's seriously strong and isn't any louder that the weaker battery powered one.
  5. The NCAA is a voluntary membership organization. No college or university is forced to join it. No matter what a state law says, the member institutions agree to the NCAA rules to be a part of the NCAA. They also agree to abide by NCAA punishments if they are found to have violated the rules. On top of that, it's a self policing organization, which means that member institutions are (a) expected to follow the rules, (b) self report if they discover a violation, (c) self investigate the violation and report the findings to the NCAA and (d) self remedy the violation, meaning applying appropriate punishment, and making necessary institutional changes to ensure they won't commit the violation again. After the institution has completed that process and reported their findings, changes and punishments to the NCAA, the NCAA then conducts their own investigation to determine if the institution's findings and actions are appropriate. If they feel they aren't, then and only then does the NCAA levy action against the school. The NCAA isn't some governmental agency. It's just a collaborative of college and university presidents and chancellors who set and oversee the rules that everyone agrees to play by. Either you're a member and follow the rules, you wield enough influence to change the rules, or you leave the NCAA and form your own organization. The state has no say in it so long as the schools are members of the NCAA.
  6. I don't know if it's related to the current rapes, but a few months ago there was a guy who assaulted 2 or 3 women and was spotted on security cameras trying to break into apartments. I don't remember anything else being reported about him being caught. https://www.kbtx.com/2022/11/08/bryan-police-looking-home-security-camera-clips-hunt-attacker/
  7. I don't think you're an asshole to want to keep your chain link fence. Little to no maintenance compared to a wood privacy fence. If I was you, I'd consider requiring them to build the fence with a more durable (and expensive) composite material or something that would last longer than wood, plus ask for the $10k or whatever. In 10 years whoever lives in that house is gonna be asking you to go halves to replace a wooden fence. If they're building just to make a buck and not to live there, fuck 'em. You don't owe them even a little bit of courtesy beyond what you want to give on the subject.
  8. My guess would be that the team was scheduled to travel back after the game was supposed to conclude and that it's easier to just go with the original travel plan than rushing to get everyone out earlier. Wouldn't the game have ended about now if it hadn't been stopped? That's my thought anyway.
  9. This reminds me of watching my 8th grade head football coach die on the field right in front of me. He had just been hired away by a smaller school district to be their varsity head coach, so instead of doing offseason practice, we had a pick-up game of touch football. The QB threw the ball to him and one of the other coaches flew over to try and breakup the pass. He hit him hard in the chest and coach dropped to the ground. The other coach laughed and asked him if he was okay, and he kinda chuckled, got up and started to say "Ya, I'm okay" but he didn't even finish the statement before he dropped back down and let out a brief groan. The whole thing played out no more than 3 or 4 feet in front of me. They immediately started CPR and called and ambulance and everything, but he never regained consciousness again. Apparently he had an underlying heart condition and the impact just stopped his heart. That happened in 1985 and I still remember it like it was yesterday.
  10. CSB: The date on that is my dad's 50th birthday.
  11. In a surprise move, Fedora out at A&M Consol. https://www.kbtx.com/2022/12/02/lee-fedora-era-ends-abruptly-am-consolidated/
  12. I'm confused. How is Ok St out? We both have 3 losses and they have the tie-breaker over us (although they're currently being throttled by OU suck 28-0 in the 1st qtr). Why are they excluded already?
  13. He looks like a young W. C. Fields with Downs Syndrome.
  14. So apparently they will be using the instrumental version of some song called "Bonfire" by Childish Gambino (whatever the fuck that is). It's a good thing it's the instrumental , because the lyrics to that song are racist in every direction and offensive as fuck. I can just see the faces of all the old redass aggy if they accidentally played the lyrical version. My guess is that they chose it simply because of the song title.
  15. All of the Yankees bullshit talk about the roof being open perplexes me. They play in a stadium that doesn't have a fucking roof. They should be used to winds and other conditions affecting the ball.
  16. I think it's 3. The Astros have played 154 games and won 101. The Yankees have played 151 games so far and won 93. That means the most the Yankees could win is 104 if they won out. Since the Astros have the tie-breaker, they only have to win 3 more to get to 104 to ensure home field through the ALCS. But I'm pretty shitty at the maths so who knows?
  17. I would quit my job right fucking now for $10 million.
  18. Actually the reason that SHSU can't compete for the FCS playoffs is because as it's their transition year, they have upped their scholarship level to 85 like the rest of the FBS, instead of the FCS level of 63. That would give them a huge depth advantage over all of the other FCS teams if they were allowed to compete in the post season. Also, Sam is in the WAC, not the Southland Conference. The SLC kicked them and the other teams that were jumping ship out prior to last season, so they haven't been in the SLC for a while. Last year the WAC and the ASUN competed in an alliance because neither had enough football members on their own, so technically Sam won 2 conference championships last season. I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure they could play in a bowl game this season if they become bowl eligible and get an invite.
  19. This one is about 8 miles from my house. It's the third significant wildfire requiring aerial assistance out there in the past couple of weeks. My neighborhood is just off of a busy highway, with a greenbelt that's pretty much just a hay meadow separating the road and the houses. The hay was cut last week and hasn't been raked yet. I live in constant worry that some idiot on the highway is going to throw out a cigarette but and start a fire that races right up to one of the houses. Seeing this happen three times now does little to tame those worries. Holy shit we could use 6 or 8 inches of rain.
  20. Has anybody mentioned fuck OU?
  21. She was also hired by the city of Somerville as a police officer and they tried to keep it on the down low. Once the townsfolks found out they practically ran the entire police force along with the mayor and half the city council out of town. The former mayor is an acquaintance of mine and now he's out of politics working as a real estate agent in Dallas. Why anyone would hire her after everything that happened is crazy to me.
  22. Maybe he's talking about the 14 year old kid falling out of the ride in Orlando. It's horrible.https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/tnr44k/nsfl_14_year_old_boy_falls_to_his_death_on_free/
  23. Did he just say commentation-ary?
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