After thinking about this for a little while and trying to consider all possible points of view, I just can't wrap my head around how the shooter could at anytime feel reasonably threatened for his or anyone else's life. Especially after he retrieved the firearm. To me that's straight up murder and the shooter should do hard time for it. And I'm a very pro 2A, pro right to self defense kind of guy. But I just don't see how the angry dad did anything to rise to the level of being a genuine threat to hurt or kill anyone. It's sad that we as a country seem to be moving farther and farther away from learning and using the art of conflict resolution and reason as a means of decision making in situations like this. It feels like nowadays people see every situation as binary, and think they have to react one way or another in an instant. Certainly those situations exist, but not nearly as often as we see it play out now.