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Hairy Biped

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Everything posted by Hairy Biped

  1. He looks like Jay Leno's and John Madden's love child in that video.
  2. He's got "aggy ears".
  3. Fuck, I could put together a pick-up squad and teach them a basic offense and defense in 9 days.
  4. After thinking about this for a little while and trying to consider all possible points of view, I just can't wrap my head around how the shooter could at anytime feel reasonably threatened for his or anyone else's life. Especially after he retrieved the firearm. To me that's straight up murder and the shooter should do hard time for it. And I'm a very pro 2A, pro right to self defense kind of guy. But I just don't see how the angry dad did anything to rise to the level of being a genuine threat to hurt or kill anyone. It's sad that we as a country seem to be moving farther and farther away from learning and using the art of conflict resolution and reason as a means of decision making in situations like this. It feels like nowadays people see every situation as binary, and think they have to react one way or another in an instant. Certainly those situations exist, but not nearly as often as we see it play out now.
  5. That's exactly what I thought when I saw that too. That guy is a smug son of a bitch too.
  6. Teams are supposed to improve as the season goes on, but we get dumber and dumber every fucking game. Fuck Sark. Fuck P.K. Fuck CDC for hiring Sark. Fuck it all. How do you have so many advantages and fuck them away every year. Fuck!!!!!
  7. Well, I guess we won't have to worry about blowing this game in the 4th quarter. What a garbage-assed effort today already. They had 2 weeks to prepare and this is what they come up with? What a bunch of bullshit.
  8. I don't have one of those though. Sometimes I buy the B&B splits at Academy and they work okay, but I don't get the same rich smoke from those kiln dried woods that I get from my aged oak and pecan.
  9. I saw this thread last week and it got me thinking about trying the Prime 6 charcoal on my Old Country Brazos offset. I have the same issue with my splits being too big for my firebox to really control the heat well, and I only have an axe, hatchet and bigger splitter to split the wood. It's a lot harder to get it split thin like I like it. I ordered 22 lb box of the Prime 6 off of Amazon and can't wait to give it a try next weekend.
  10. PK is such a fraud. I could shit a better defensive game plan than what he trots out there each week. Shitty ass TCU walked 99 yards down field in no time and Texas didn't put up an ounce of resistance. Fucking pathetic. We'll never be good until he's gone.
  11. A few months ago we did a Steak & Whiskey Night dinner party that was kind of a competition. We let the guests pick a cut of steak that they wanted to make and a whiskey cocktail ahead of time, and let the others know who was making what so there weren't any duplicate choices. Then I set up all of my live fire cooking stuff on my patio and we each cooked our meats however our recipe called for. Some used the smoker and firebox, some the gas grill, some the griddle, etc. For the cocktails I set up a bar table outside and we went one at a time making and trying the various drinks throughout the night. I also made some appetizers, rolls, sides and a salad to go with the meal. At the end of the night we all voted on our favorite steak and cocktails and the winners won some cheap door prizes and a gift card. The food turned out great and letting everyone cook too made everyone really engaged. Everybody loved it and I still get comments on how we need to do it again soon. It was a little bit of a pain in the ass to figure out how to execute it, but was well worth the effort. I've also done a build your own pizza party that was a big hit too.
  12. The thing is, he fucking warned him. I mean, what more could he do?
  13. When the show first started, it was in Miami and it was fantastic. The style they used in the first season was a little more slice of life, behind the scenes approach, where they'd show the detectives interacting with their own families too, and how their fucked up work hours impacted their personal lives. It added so much more to the drama and made the cops even more engaging.
  14. I haven't ever been tested, but a couple of days after I started working from home in late March 2020, I noticed that my temp spiked to about 103 and stayed above 101 for about a day. Then for the next week or so, my temp was always higher than normal, which is about 97.5 for me, but I rarely went above 100.4. I woke up on day 8 or 9 and it was back to normal and has been ever since. I still check almost daily. My whole life, I've been virus resistant. To the best of my knowledge, I've never had the flu and I rarely get any other stomach viruses either. When I do, it's usually mild and passes quickly. I've read that there is a small group of people who posses a kind of natural immunity to viruses. I've often wondered if I'm in that group.
  15. Fucking horse shit, Charlie Strong level effort by the defense and coaching so far. Why the fuck is the CB on the right side of the D playing 2 yards deep in the end zone on that 3rd down? This is gonna get really ugly, really fast because people believed the hype. We're still the same team that shits the bed when we play someone else's Super Bowl.
  16. The DL ain't much better. Shit's gonna get us beat by these hillbilly fucks.
  17. This is a really, really cool thread. Thanks for sharing it msucolt45.
  18. I went and looked it up. They were 3-1 in November 2018, with wins over Ole Miss, UAB and LSU, all at home, and the loss was to Auburn on the road. In November 2019 they were 2-2 with wins at home over UTSA and South Carolina and loses on the road to Georgia and LSU. In 2020 they were 2-0 with wins over South Carolina on the road and LSU at home. They didn't play games on the weeks of the 14th or 21st. That makes Jimbo 7-3 in November with 2 of those wins against G5 teams and 5-3 in SEC games in November with all loses on the road. They've played 6 home games and 4 road games in November during Jimbo's tenure. Your aggy buddy, unsurprisingly, is full of shit.
  19. I make nachos with Fritos. I call them Frachos.
  20. Just for the record, the writer that broke the story is a Sam Houston State grad, not aggy. He has however, pretty much been an A&M beat writer his entire career. He's the same guy that broke the Fran secret email newsletter to big boosters story too.
  21. I heard some talk that it was Sark about a week before, but I completely ignored it because I didn't think there was anyway in hell they would risk him with his history until he at least had a few years of success and stayed sober somewhere else first. Beard was a surprise for me too, but I'm not really a basketball fan, so I never really mined that kind of info.
  22. I can tell you as someone who works in the media and has dealt with the AD a lot, under Dodds info leaked like a sieve. They didn't even seem to care that they didn't have many secrets. Under Patterson info would get out, but it was often misinformation or was leaked for effect. I haven't really dealt with the AD under CDC because my position has modified a bit and that's not really my gig anymore, but the folks I do know who deal with it say pretty much nothing leaks without it being controlled. Even with former players and boosters. CDC has done a great job of locking that stuff down. Per my job connections, I usually get some kind of heads up from one connection or another, but this shit came completely out of left field for me.
  23. Just noticed that they put the goal posts back in.
  24. I grew up in a rural neighborhood outside of a small town. The neighborhood was pretty much the most upscale one in town, with lots or doctors, lawyers, business owners, etc. living there. When I was probably about 10 or so, we had a small group of about 8 to 12 of us who would pretend we were a gang and we would roam the streets nearly every night during the Summer, and just do dumb shit. Almost everybody had a treehouse, so we'd camp out in our treehouses all of the time, so our parents didn't know that we were out wandering around. One night we got this brilliant idea that we would spread out across the hood, find any unlocked car doors, and at a certain time, all honk the horns until lights came on in the house, then run away. Anyway, we synchronized our watches, paired off, split up and went around looking for unlocked cars. Me and my buddy chose the house across the street from his, occupied by one of the most prominent families in town, a 3rd generation doctor. They lived in a huge Colonial style house set on a hill right in the middle of the neighborhood, and he had an old Ford Model A that he would drive in parades and such. Anyway, when the time came, we start hearing horns all over the place, but we couldn't find the button for the horn on the Model A, so we just start flipping switches and pushing buttons until we hear the loudest fucking "AHHHH OOOOO GAAAAAAAAA" ever. The button got stuck and it kept going off. We tried to make it stop, but said fuck it and bailed out when the house lights came on. We ran all of the way across the neighborhood and could still hear the AHHH OOOOOO GAAAAA loud as hell for several minutes. Another night we found out that one of the guys stole something from another, so we decided to put him on trial. His brother tried to defend him, but he was holding the evidence when he got caught, so it didn't take much to convict. I was the judge, so I decided to sentence him to 3 jolts in the electric chair, which was just a metal folding chair connected to the sparkplug wire on my go kart. He agreed so long as we would let him go after and everyone would be cool about it. So we used a belt to crudely strap him to the chair and I gave it a good pull. He freaked the fuck out and jumped up and ran off still strapped to the chair screaming. I guess it hurt.
  25. Fuck! Every single cop involved in that stop should spend the rest of their lives in prisons receiving daily anal searches themselves. How can we call ourselves a civilized society if we allow our public servants to treat our neighbors like that? Those fucksticks were pissed that they couldn't something to pin on the "black folks", so they decided to take it out on one of them the hard way. Fucking disgusting.
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