If the story is as reported then fuck that pilot. However, it appears that a majority of the of the story is pulled from the plaintiff's petition. I have some reservations that the friend, who according to the article complied with the FA and pilots requests and did nothing wrong, was removed from the aircraft and interrogated. I also find suspect that after the pilot ripped him out of the bathroom that the pilot yelled "thats how jews act!"
I used to do BBQ cookoffs and we had a designated women's port-o-let in out tent. One night we saw a guy enter but it was late so we didn't bust his chops. He was in there for a long time, around 30 minutes. Some women needed to use the restroom so we asked him to leave. We would knock on the door and tell him the needed to ago and he wouldn't respond or he would give a bullshit response. We eventually forced the door open and dragged him out, pants around his ankles. He was drunk as shit and terribly embarrassed. I am sure his version of events is very different from the truth.