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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Savannah College of Art and Design would destroy Maine.
  2. Maine looks like a bad DIII team. How did they sneak into the regional?
  3. OU looks like warmed over shit.
  4. The Nate Paul situation has to be much bigger than we know. Hire his mistress, meh. Get a $25K campaign contribution from a guy worth a couple hundred million dollars, meh. Renovate your house for free, troubling but doesnt really move the needle. Abbott wants him gone because Abbott is running for president at some point and there is something much darker on the horizon involving Paxton.
  5. Abbott has to be on board, right? They already know who he is going to appoint? Paxton must be a complete imbecile and liability for those other limpdicks to want him out. Abbott is going to appoint some Lakeway mom without a law license to AG. All she will talk about is Mexicans, the border, human trafficking, gays, trans kids and the Bible. She will win the election in a landslide.
  6. It will be someone even worse than Paxton. It will be his biggest sycophant at the AGs office and there are some terrible fucking people over there. Like terribly stupid and equally awful human beings.
  7. The mortician did an excellent job. He almost looks alive.
  8. Cut them some slack, it’s a rebuilding year.
  9. Would 1 win against OU have changed that ?
  10. Its wine that prisoners make in toilets with fermented fruit. Campbell!!!!
  11. If the real LBJ shows up tonight those dudes are fucked. If "Wild Pitch" McGee shows up we're going to need a ton of offense.
  12. I reversed it, sue me. This staff is terrible except for Gordon. We have a bunch of guys with all of the talent but no balls. i haven't seen a more gutless squad since 94'. Donny Barker, Dudley Haas and Brett Loefler offensively etc. All the talent in the world with zero heart. They were trash.
  13. 16 balls out of 12 pitches is an acceptable standard for a UT pitcher? I am sorry your son has no balls and cant throw a strike. Our bullpen blew a win against a pathetic SJS team. I am sorry you played there or your kid plays there. Its a shit hole baseball school and they should never beat Texas.
  14. Baseball people: "He is tall and throws hard, his throwing angle deceives hitters and guarantees success." Opposing Hitters from a shitty directional school: "He often throws 12 balls in a row, plunks a guy and then grooves an 87mph fastball and we piss on it and he blows the game."
  15. Nope. He will blow the lead. He doesn't have the mentality.
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