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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Think we will figure out how to get some runs off this guy with the blazing 87mph fastball?
  2. Crapped himself? He walked out on the mound and diarrhea'ed all over it.
  3. I never put it together that the rabbit was from his garden. The rifle he pointed at Tony looked like a large caliber. That’s kinda fucked up that he was just ripping off 30.06 rounds in the neighborhood.
  4. The way they torment the douchebag owner of the Whitecaps house is grade-a trolling. Alan Saperson, was it?
  5. My feeling is that we will suck for the next couple years unless we have add a bunch of freshman, transfers or JUCO dudes with balls. The pen we have now is bush.
  6. Can't believe that chick actually dropped a full Grumpy Stevens in his bed. What a fucking loon.
  7. Can you subtly encourage dudes to use the portal?
  8. You don't want a bunch of dudes who cant locate 92mph on 0-0 and then cock-shot 88mph FB on 2-0 and 3-1?
  9. Same, glad a jumped on Omaha last year. That team over performed and was fun to cheer for. This team is a beating, especially with all the expectations. Think about this team next year without the run production. Would you like to pitch for this team without Melendez, Stehly, Messinger and Ardoin? Faltine will improve, hopefully Daly gets back to form. Maybe Kash and O'Dowd decide to hit for a ton of power. This team will not score a lot of runs next year and it is obvious that everyone but Gordon is terrified to throw strikes.
  10. These dudes seem well matched. Pete Hansen (7-1, 2.70) vs. OSU RHP Justin Campbell (6-1, 2.89)
  11. The best part of that episode is when they are interviewing the wife after he goes missing. She tearily says, "the last thing he said to me was I love you"
  12. Tony was such a piece of shit. He has a huge grin on his face when he realizes Jimmy is the rat and will get the opportunity to have him killed. I think its weird they just whack them rather than torture them to find out how long they have been cooperating and what the government knows. Wouldn't that be valuable information?
  13. Look at that shit-eating grin on Palmice. So happy someone is going to die.
  14. Looks like Altuve grew a beard and donned a blonde wig.
  15. They also add pick off moves to the pitch count. Is that normal?
  16. WWS Grandad: "Man that school is grooming my kids again. Those darky sympathizing teachers and scientists are claiming that blacks and whites are actually the same species and they can successfully mate and have viable offspring! This is abuse! I It's grooming to teach white kids thats\ they can breed with Chinese, Indians or God forbid blacks and produce a non-mongrel child."
  17. I have no dog in this fight but this is the dumbest definition of “grooming” I have ever read. There has to be and endgame. “Grooming” is when a person attempts to gain the trust of a child, to manipulate them and isolate them from their family, to normalize deviant sexual behavior for the express purpose of sexually assaulting them. That’s it.
  18. Why do y'all argue with dudes like this? Johnny Sack hates America and is 100% disappointed that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
  19. Yeah, my bad. That 8+ ERA indicates calm, cool collected dominance.
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