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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. I don't think they are fake but I definitely think you have purchased a Baker Bucket. How often do you and that schizo TTom trade texts?
  2. Liking Morehouse.
  3. These outfielders are fucking terrible.
  4. Can't believe Pierce didn't send him.
  5. Keith is wearing out the "this ball hit well!" on routine fly balls.
  6. I notice that this ump gives Hansen that low outside strike against RH hitters but he doesn't give it to the Rh Baylor pitchers against out RH hitters.
  7. Uncle June had him killed him, right?
  8. Can't believe Pierce didn't send him.
  9. Actually, I didn't realize that they had people in the bully inn the 1st. This could be a just a nagging injury and nothing serious. Maybe thats why his delivery is so fucked up.
  10. Thats sad. That is not something he is just going to put some ice on and get better.
  11. That 91FB to 79S mph velocity differential is fucking nasty.
  12. This dudes delivery is ugly as shit.
  13. Never explicitly confirmed by the fBI but right before Silvo shoots him Silvio says something to Jimmy about "making his own radio broadcast" and then Jimmy gasps and says "oh shit!"
  14. really interesting place for a seam on those bottoms. I currently have 3 of those Lone Star Duck Guide posters framed. They’re sweet.
  15. This or whatever happened to Sounder.
  16. You make a good point. I just think there has to be dudes out there with talent and a sack that can compete as freshman and sophomores. Nixon looked great last year. He has regressed. He didn't become less physically competitive, he lost his mental edge. While not wholly responsible, a good coach will help get that back. Its almost May and he has had one good outing in 45 days.
  17. Stevens had 2 exceptionally shitty starts this year. Like, unbelievably shitty starts.
  18. Johnson has a huge upside. Duplantier needs to be put out to pasture. I hope I am wrong but he is mentally not capable of pitching for this team. The self doubt about the surgery is palpable.
  19. I get it but we don't have a single freshman or sophomore pitcher that intuitively knows how to pitch at this level? Were Madden and Hansen getting their shit packed by teams like AF during their freshman and sophomore years? If they were, I don't remember that.
  20. You know, I like to blame the staff but when those guys signed with Texas none of them envisioned getting shelled by AF. There is a failure but it isn't the players. They aren't being developed.
  21. It seems like this game started at 4pm.
  22. Gordon, Harrison and Johnson have a ton of potential.
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