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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Nope, this is a bathtub full of Natty Light and a 1.75 of Ezra Brooks.
  2. A majority of this Texas team got dog-shit hammered last night.
  3. Anyone at this game? They have a gun on the scoreboard? This TAMU CC pitcher looks like he is FB 84-86 and CB 70-74. That about right?
  4. Texas may well be the best team in the country but Rice is also terrible. They don't hit, they don't field and they don't pitch. Through the 4th inning of game three, they had walked 27 and hit 3 batters.
  5. That lawyer couldn’t be bothered to put on a fucking tie?
  6. This dude definitely looks over both shoulders before he tells a joke.
  7. These guys know that if there is actually a civil war that pharmaceutical companies won't be producing their type 2 diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol medications, right? 50K rounds of 5.56 is pretty useless when you are in a coma or can't walk because of you diabetic foot.
  8. So, was Lindell already rich when he started smoking crack?
  9. Its a weird evolution. Oakley, No Fear, Ain't Scared, Salt Life, Hillary for Prison, MAGA, Punisher, Let's Go Brandon, Fuck Joe Biden. I was driving to my deer lease and the F150 in front of me had Rice Dad, Harvard Dad, Cal Poly Dad stickers on its back window and then was covered in stickers about the Americans who died in Benghazi and Hillary should be in prison. Also, there were some gimme stickers from the North American Hunting Club and Bassin'. Driver did not look like he could afford to send his kids to any of those schools. He bought it used or has a great sense of humor.
  10. "His cravings were Strong and his appetite was healthy"
  11. Loud and you can feel the pressure of the shots. I made a lot of friends at an indoor range while zeroing a 7mag.
  12. Leaving that review is really fucking bizarre. Wire transfer is fucking idiotic as well. Possible that Maund only wanted GF and her BF intimidated and then these morons end up killing them? Spearpoint guys don't tell Maund they're dead but claim the security firm needs continued payments in order to prevent further extortion?
  13. Maybe a broom or rake handle in the spokes? I mean the bullets were really effective though.
  14. If I have a custody agreement that says I am to pick up the child at 3:30pm on X date at my ex-wife's house and I show up at that time, the limp-dick, douchebag boyfriend can order me to leave and I have to go? Can someone with no authority or interest in the property actually order me to leave? If I don't they can display a firearm in order to persuade me to leave? Shooter is a white trash. Also huge pussy.
  15. I didn't bring you up here to buy you a couple of sundaes.
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