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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Ian Miles Cheong's mother was definitely a dwarf with fetal alcohol syndrome.
  2. Its terrible. They're oblivious.
  3. those 10th grade whores
  4. The House ethics committee is the top law enforcement agency in the country? Do you really believe the FBI investigated a state offense? There is no amount of evidence that would convince you he did it. Gaetz could admit it under oath, show a video of himself paying a 17yo for sex and and it wouldn't be enough. He is on your team and every allegation, no matter how substantial the proof, is fake news. You're as bad as friends/relatives of criminals who are shot committing armed robberies and murder who get on the news and say "he was a good boy, he didn't do it" after watching a video that showing him actually doing it.
  5. Umm, anyone who thinks that only people who are formally charged with criminal conduct engage in criminal conduct is a contrarian or an imbecile. Let's forget the fact that 17 is stat rape in Florida, let's pretend its legal. A dude in his 30s providing X, cociane, alcohol and money to a 17yo for sex is an irredeammable fucking weirdo. Hard to understand why you would defend him. Do you really believe his Venmo history is fake, texts messages are fake and two young girls were willing to commit perjury and ruin their reputations by falsely claiming they engaged in prostitution in high school? Is there a bridge too far? Notice that Gaetz hasn't threatened to sue. Florida has some very lenient defamation laws.
  6. If Luke had a T-16, why the fuck didn't they just fly that off of Tatooine?
  7. Cousin Strawberry


    Thats normally a great burger. I had one last month and it was fantastic.
  8. thats god awful
  9. I have heard the 2nd and 3rd uttered incorrectly but how do they fuck up the first one?
  10. I am not proud of my 8th grade self but Jones would ramble on about some conspiratorial bullshit, ask for callers input and I would call and when he picked up I would say "You seem like a total f@g." He would immediately hang up.
  11. Im not in the military but is 10 combat tours common? That sounds like a lot. It would strike me that he would have to be career military to deploy 10 times. Do you deploy more than once a year? Could a career military guy on the one hand be able to spend $200k on a truck and then also not be able to afford a kitchen remodel on the other? I would assume he is infantry and not a corpsman. Clearly he isn't military intelligence. I know, we are supposed to forgive all these mental retards who would have killed us all. Sorry Not hardened disabled Veteran.
  12. 10 combat tours seems like an exaggeration.
  13. Hairy Twatter?
  14. Tim McVeigh's friend testified at his trial that "other than the bombing, Tim was a good guy."
  15. Thats some pretty ballsy shit. "Just because I beat and murdered their mother, doesn't mean I dont deserve to spend time with them."
  16. Chuck is $4 per pound. Brisket is $4 per pound. Bulk chili/garlic/onion powder are cheap. Beef stock is cheap. Serranos are cheap. Water is cheap. I mean, I guess it's possible he is making 15lbs of chili and his fat ass kids eat 1 lbs per serving. That might get you to $72.
  17. How many sex offenders live with him at the half-way house? 2 meals for $72?
  18. My buddy knows him well and texted me a link to story and then said "she is 100% dead and buried/ discarded on their ranch in Bandera."
  19. Isn't that the street the Simpsons live on?
  20. Have you seen the one where a large black man with an Allred jersey is standing over a small, white girl in a cheerleader skirt, laying motionless on the ground like he is about to sexually assault her. Very classy.
  21. I learned this in Florida as a young man. "Shrimp Sharers Will Be Charged Full Price!" was the sign at a seafood place in Clearwater, Florida in 1986. It was a buffet. I didn't understand so I asked the waitress what it meant. She told me that there were lowlife pieces of shit who would sit at a table of 4 but only 2 people would order all you can eat shrimp and the 2 lowlifes would eat off their plate. Rose knew the rules, the consequences and he willfully broke them. He is a fucking idiot.
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