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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. This isn't the end of the world but its GD embarrassing.
  2. "Charmaine, she is French?" "Not, remotely."
  3. Carmela is the best actor on the show.
  4. I totally missed the "Q" in her twitter handle. Kara Bell, from Lake Travis, is one crazy bitch.
  5. ^^^^ This. I was in a drive-thru line at Bee Cave and 71 today and the car in front of me had a personalized Gadsen flag plate with the personalized license number "SHRUGD." The license plate frame said "Who is John Gault?"
  6. Do you know these pieces of shit? https://www.kxan.com/investigations/many-families-out-of-homes-large-sums-of-money-after-builder-files-for-bankruptcy/
  7. HEB has whole, gutted but unscaled Red Snapper for $11.99 per pound. That seems like a good deal considering all you have to do is fillet it and take it off the skin or scale it and cook it whole and you pay 1/2 the price for fillets. My Dad never filleted anything. We gutted and skinned catfish and ate them whole. We gutted and scaled bream and bass and ate them whole. It seems like a no brainer to buy the whole gutted snapper and then just fillet or scale it. If you have purchased whole snapped from the HEB, how is the freshness?
  8. If you enjoy a hardboiled egg with a cooked but jammy yolk, I would suggest cooking them in the instant pot for 3 minutes and then releasing pressure. It's fantastic.
  9. Yep. He was real interested in AJ for about a day after Justin Cifaretto took an arrow to his lungs.
  10. This is all true. He was an openly gay, male cheerleader in high school. A very sympathetic but confused classmate asked him a lot of questions on twitter about why he was now straight and conservative and it was backed up by multiple people that went to school with him. Obviously, he did not respond. Weird how these guys reinvent themselves to get elected. Who is the great big fat person in the Texas leg who is anti-marihuana but then got outed seeking to purchase it? His body is shaped like Chet from Weird Science when he is transformed into a turd.
  11. A relative. Or, if married anyone else. A married 19yo who has consensual sex with a person under 17yo, can't use the defense because he is prohibited from marrying 17yo as he is currently married.
  12. You were right that 17 is the age of consent in Texas. But the within 3 year rule is a defense unless it's someone you would be prohibited from marrying or you are already a registered sex offender.
  13. No. It is a defense if the two are within three years of age. That was totally legal if it was consensual. 15/18 16/19 is not illegal.
  14. Is this a different perv than the perv above? https://news.yahoo.com/news/former-trump-gop-aide-charged-171715198.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJYY6gf9RZm20c_NIl4Q4DZQrHDxW3K5wE4Fu3Xr4HV-mCqcO_2lGUvDXjyHHoGb6GuDUjvMK8ooX6WZuBu4kSUIujWpHM5N-jS15XgOAr51mzKfxNmxImLGtapHLCm0xQX_zZPH6-b0gZS-hzCWyCS1frkRbYxCm3aqVsR_Inhg
  15. His departure was so abrupt it seemed like it was a serious team rules violation. But he was damn good.
  16. Any idea what happened to him and why he got the boot? It seemed like he was going to have a great career and then Augie told him to pack his shit.
  17. So I was thinking about players that burned out at Texas and Cohl Walla came to mind. I did a google search and found this article. https://dailytimes.com/promotions/article_8b441ea8-2d89-11e8-8c47-cf123724629b.html Was Cohl Walla really an All-American as a freshman?
  18. “You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?”
  19. These fucking morons think Ghislaine Maxwell's husband owns the boat.
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