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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Yep. I frequent a few hunting and fishing boards and those guys are all in. When Hillary wasn't arrested in 2017, the excuse was that Trump didn't want to hurt the economy because her arrest would result in legitimate businesses being negatively affected. He was playing 4d chess or some other phrase poor, confused schizophrenics use. When the hospital ship Mercy wasn't filled with arrested democrats and sailed to Gitmo in April, it was because waiting would allow for even more arrests.
  2. This reminds me of the woman who was "kidnapped" by two hispanic women who held her captive for 3 weeks. They never contacted anyone about ransom and none of their DNA was found on the victim or her loose "bindings." She couldn't describe them because they never showed their faces. They allegedly beat her during her captivity but she had no injuries. 50K gofundme.
  3. Pros and cons. A hobo could shit on the floor right next to me an I wouldn't smell it.
  4. Don't expect them to fully comeback anytime soon. Been 3 months for me. Taste is still dulled and smell is almost non-existent.
  5. That guy would probably be alive. I mean he would have been covered in shit, piss, used condoms, used tampons, corn and probably developed a terrible eye infection, but he would be alive.
  6. Is anyone else completely disgusted that the river of piss and shit underneath us flows that fast?
  7. Notice the $50,000 a month is always included. He went to Yale Law. I don't know any Yale law grads but I know Harvard law grads and they are definitely making more than $50,000 a month. And they are not practicing law. Article is meant to anger economically disadvantaged whites.
  8. Storm's is always good. My boys love it.
  9. I sure wish that Paul would just outline the misdeeds he alleges the FBI committed when searching his properties. If they lacked probable cause and believe evidence is inadmissible, that is something you address pretrial. If they believe that the FBI seized items that exceeded the scope of the warrant, that is also an issue for the trial court. What exactly are the egregious violations? What could possibly require the involvement of the OAG?
  10. Don't forget any business that includes the word "patriot" in their name or description.
  11. Totally. Every legit person I know in commercial real estate has known that Nate Paul was a swarthy, grifting piece of shit since he was a blip on the radar. He is a complete fraud. I am surprised that "stroke-face" and his squirrel-chasing eye can be bought for $25K. I thought Paxton's face issue was only cosmetic. Is it possible that Paxton is as mentally deficient as his face suggests?
  12. looks like Cammack’s dad knows his son is a shady sack of shit. https://setexasrecord.com/stories/511516487-tensions-between-father-son-attorneys-culminated-in-courthouse-confrontation-suit-alleges
  13. This is all super shady. Why do you need a special prosecutor? There is no conflict. Why pick an inexperienced lawyer who has never prosecuted to be a special prosecutor? I mean, his website says he is one of the 10 best defense lawyers under 40 in the United States, but that's the only place you will find that information. Is it possible that Nate Paul convinced Paxton that the only known cure for "retard face" was among the myriad documents seized during the execution of the search warrant and Paul would provide Paxton with it if Paxton got him out of trouble?
  14. So did he have a stroke or is he just fucking ugly? Why is his face so asymmetrical?
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