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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. I get her frustration. You ever tried to smoke meth while wearing a mask?
  2. They ever run a special on them? Salt Trader just down the road on Barton Spings does dollar oysters on the weekends. Yeah, I know its only $4/dozen difference but why pay it? Does Deckand have better oysters?
  3. Both parties called the cops because they claim the other was “rude and disrespectful.” That’s a great use of police resources.
  4. She clearly asked him if this was his property. It's the first thing that comes out of her mouth.
  5. I fucking hate racists but if someone approached me on my property and asked me what I was doing, I would tell them it was my property and to fuck off. I wouldn't say "ok." That is an absolutely odd response. I have a sidewalk in front of my house and I also have some bushes near the sidewalk. Sometimes, I neglect them and they get overgrown and encroach on the sidewalk. Some of the runners/walkers have expressed disppleasure about this. I have been outside in my yard and have had people using the sidewalk ask me if I live at the address. My response is always "yes." Then we discuss the need to trim the bushes. Only a fucking weirdo would respond to that with "OK."
  6. No one in that video is black. Why does she use the N-word?
  7. Of course you can, but they have no duty of preservation.
  8. That and the fact that some ridiculously high percentage of the cases on LivePD are not prosecutable. My understanding was that the Wilco contract stated that any visual image recorded by LivePD became the exclusive property of LivePD/A&E and they were under no oblogation to release those videos to 3rd parties. Defense claims video is Brady. Prosecutor says the video is not in their possession. A&E says video is their property and won't release it.
  9. And somehow Arbery's palm print and fibers from his clothing were located on the vehicle driven by the innocent videographer. That guy's attorney is a fucking idiot. Does he not understand forensic science?
  10. As a white person, I have been the victim of crime but never called 911. My wife has never called 911. My parents have never called 911. This is a recent phenomena of fucking wierdos who expect a third party to fix situations that make them uncomfortable or angry. If a person feels like they are disrespected in a store they call the cops. If a store owner gets into a disagreement with a customer they call the cops. This isnt about race. Its about regards. Regards have decided that cops are umpires and they summon them to mediate disputes. This has some awful consequences.
  11. Its a church constructed in 1876. Thank God a couple of unemployed white people decided it should be destroyed.
  12. He does have a sweet SS tattoo.
  13. So the ME couldn't determine why he died? It should be listed as homicide, suicide, accident or undecided.
  14. Every single one of the individuals who burned and looted the Target, burned down the AutoZone and burned the Wendy's have been victimized by the police? None of the looters are just opportunistic shitbags? I am just as critical as you of bad police.
  15. Come on man. That isn't a reasoned approach. I get the urge and desire to act in those ways. The anger, sadness and the frustration. However, I don't know a single person who teaches their children to succomb to their worst and most primal fucking instincts when they have been wronged.
  16. They have moved on the the ATMs. We know how culpable the ATM machines were in this tragedy. Freeloading sacks of shit exploit tragedy and that exactly describes the majority of the looters. They aren't angry. They are enjoying it. There is a distinct difference between the people there to effectuate change and the people there that are sacks of shit.
  17. If your neighbor was the victim of a terrible injustice, would you understand if he responded by burning your house down?
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