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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. Except one of the rules for Aryan Brotherhood is that you have to work out everyday. That seems like a problem for these two. Also, any belief that these two will be victims of prison violence should be taken with a grain of salt. Both of those fatties are going to lose a leg or foot to diabetes in prison. They will be in the medical unit away from GenPop.
  2. Yeah. It sounds like the fatties knew they fucked up and needed to make it sound like it was plausible that the kid stole a firearm and was possibly armed.
  3. Not a criminal trespass. He had no notice that entry was forbidden. That place is wide open. But agree its a little weird. He enters the house from the garage and then leaves from a completely separate part of the house. I have never entered a home under construction but I could see where someone else might think it was completely innocent. Those two fatties probably didn't set out to kill the kid but they are the only reason he is dead. Fuck the videographer who claims he is completely innocent. One of the fatties told the police that he also attempted to unsuccessfully block him in. He is neck deep in this shit. Is the lesson here that fat people are dangerous?
  4. Imagine having a law degree, watching that video and then releasing it because you think it clears the shooter. Without that video these two guys walk. Free to spend their days quenching their thirst with Big Gulps of gravy. I still have doubts they will actually get convicted. DAs office that claimed they shouldn’t be arrested will put on a show of incompetence and the dudes may walk. You can be sure the indictment in this case will be purposefully, and unnecessarily convoluted as fuck.
  5. New video out. https://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/gbi-reviewing-new-video-footage-ahmaud-arbery-case/xvSWFTbaD0k9cr80R7CTnL/
  6. Wait, rape is a horrific and disgusting act when it's committed outside a prison but it is an encouraged and justified act when it happens inside prison? Rape is OK sometimes?
  7. Interesting group history. It was created in 2017 as Christians against Google, then it briefly changed to Obdulia Sanchez is Guilty!
  8. I have spent a lot of time in Van Zandt County. I have fished and run a shit load of trot-lines in East Texas. If you told me that I was accused of a crime in Texas, Van Zandt and Henderson County would be on list of places I don't want to be accused in.
  9. This. ^^^^ Blue Bell is shit. They are the Shasta of ice cream. Expect Shasta never killed anyone. It just gave false hope to type II diabetics.
  10. No. We are talking about the Twin by the old Popeyes right?
  11. I was at 7-11 and a hispanic construction worker tried to refill his 5 gallon cooler of a thermos from the fountain machine. He was told that wasn't allowed. He fucking removed his mask to better argue the point. The employee basically told him it wasn't fucking happening and to quit crying. When he realized he wasn't going to be allowed to refill the thermos he started walking out. At the door another customer is walking in. They obviously recognize each other, shake hands and hug. He was one of the 6 dudes who arrived in a F250 crew cab. I don't know if it was because he was hispanic or in construction but he clearly didn't give a shit about distancing or masks.
  12. It sure is. And the manager there is a good dude.
  13. Did not read entire thread, so forgive me. Anyone mention ticket brokers? Not talking about stubhub but there are plenty of smaller players in that game. How do they stay afloat when there are no events?
  14. Yeah, that’s total bullshit. You are obviously a Wheat Thins guy.
  15. Agreed. There was definitely a hard crust on the outside.
  16. My dog puked for 10 days starting Good Friday. No lethargy or any other symptoms. Went to vet and got no answers. Quit feeding her dog bologna and she hasn't puked since. You get any answers?
  17. I guess you are unaware that he uncovered a multi-million dollar child sex ring in Thailand. It involved the most prominent people in Thailand. They broke into his home, murdered him, pulled his pants down, put porn on his phone and then hung him with a belt in his closet. Only a fool wouldn't recognize that this is a conspiracy.
  18. Um, according to his brother Robert Carradine, that was a hit by the Thai mafia.
  19. Is that a reverse sear or sous vide? Oven or grill?
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