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  1. I'm still waiting for Vic to handle my fatwa.
  2. Hard to smell it when she goes down.
  3. For a mastermind dipshit, he is a showman. People will "watch" that shit platform and form their own "opinions". And Vance will spew lies and dodge actual issues. Just like his sith lord taught him, but only more coherently.
  4. If Trump goes off on one of his diatribes, Kamala should call him out on that being one of his weaves. And she can tell people she has seen a weave or two. And wait for the blackness hatred to be revealed by goldylocks.
  5. It depends if the beer is domestic or not for Vance.
  6. He probably had some in a freezer. But welcome to Minnesota.
  7. How long until Hairy/Balz signs come out with a donkey n some form? @Brisketexan
  8. To his face, yes.
  9. Hannibal Lecter would be an upgrade.
  10. Look at that fucks hair. Why would you think he's Alpha and a supreme leader? (Yes, I mean both)
  11. Not since high school. Like a blind prostitute, you gotta hand it to her.
  12. What, you people don't have a president necklace? Buncha beta, soy boys here. See you on the deportation train bitches.
  13. If only this idea had legs for other states.
  14. I couldn't name any other state's Lt. Gov besides this dipshit. If you gave me a multiple choice question for the state I live in, I would probably fail.
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