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Everything posted by TDunk

  1. Trump is the 24 hr news cycle's wet dream. I was going to posit that the Nobel Peace nominees were to be submitted by Feb. But that was 4 hours ago. I feel like Brooks Hatlen after being released from prison.
  2. Delete: Fuck it
  3. They elected Jessie Ventura governor.
  4. TDunk

    Cruz vs Beto

    Per Beto: 220 221 lo que sea necesario
  5. Negged. 4.1
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2003/06/17/fast-facts-us-abortion-statistics.html
  7. Bigger hands than DOTUS
  8. So you posted two articles from almost a year ago for your confirmation. I'll wager I never post here again if it is proven that Cohen never in fact went to Prague. If he did, you can shuuuuuutttt the fuck up here forever.
  9. Apparently he had to "man" up and prove he belonged. Corrupt dancing Rick Perry
  10. What do you get if you are squeezing two small green balls? Kermit the Frog's full attention.
  11. Best part is he mentioned Michelle about 45 minutes before going on this tirade. https://twitter.com/seanhannity/status/982314192928759809
  12. So does he tend every hole?
  13. Wilbur Ross at the Taj Mahal closing because of bankruptcy. The Best.
  14. TDunk

    Great Quotes

    Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They want to divorce themselves from their predecessors. - Jim Morrison
  15. TDunk

    Best Round of Golf

    Best 9 score: Estes Park, CO course in which I flew the first green not realizing the higher altitude dictated distance. Came back to par the 1st hole and shoot a 30 (out of 31). Doesn't seem that impressive with no par 5's but my short game usually sucks and it was on point. Best 18: 2nd time playing Man O' War in Myrtle Beach. Roughs were burned out and made a 40 foot birdie putt on the first hole that I wish I had footage of to this day. Ended up shooting a 73 and made enough money from side bets to pay off drinks for the weekend.
  16. I do love me some infrastructure week.
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