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Everything posted by BigVegasHorn26

  1. Good series regardless. Flip field. Put more plays on their defense on a 90+ degree day.
  2. Keep running him. They'll eventually break.
  3. Here and ready to be disappointed. Football Gods loathe me.
  4. Because you're not going to win kicking FGs. Should have been a TD if Watson throws it in the same zip code as the receiver.
  5. As a Cowboys' fan, never go full retard. There is no bigger pile of garbage than the ginger.
  6. I would like to be more than ok.
  7. We won't. But it's still going to suck.
  8. Officials in Norman sucking dick? Shocking.
  9. I don't remember her joking, but she was definitely choking on something.
  10. I'm getting the weird sense that they're actually going to turn this into a game. Still lose, but a respectable loss all things considered.
  11. You guys complaining about fast drivers sound like a bunch of pussies. Stay out of the way and we won't bother you. Right lane is all yours. Rest of us have places to be. And whenever a semi is trying to pass another group at a ridiculously low speed/rate, I typically pull in front of that semi once I can pass and decelerate until they're forced to slow down. Because fuck him. They need to realize how annoying that shit is. The ones on 45 between Houston and Dallas are the worst I've enountered. Electric trucks seem to be a good fix to this problem because they can accelerate much more quickly, but take my word for it, there are going to be a ton of accidents with those as they become more prevalent. I've seen a lot of guys driving them very recklessly. They seem to think they can operate them like a regular car with the extra pickup.
  12. This. He got abused in the Maryland game.
  13. It absolutely blew my mind that we didn't try a few QB lead draws when they were dropping so many into coverage and spying Sam with one.
  14. - Jet Sweeps: PJ Locke. No pressure = missing Poona. No push up the middle. Graham seemed nonexistent. - pass protection was sufficient/run blocking was mostly bad. - Team opened and played incredibly flat and tight - just like last year. These guys weren't playing to instinct. They are (over)thinking way too much. Herman has whiffed on this notion twice in two years. 18-21 yr old kids are largely mental midgets. Simplify that shit, play to strengths, and let the kids fly.
  15. Refs need to starting calling PIs against Maryland. They're draping the receivers. And that hold call on Shack was weak. Also missed Maryland picking on a couple occasions. Otherwise ok.
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