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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. Meyers with that rocket arm. Good grief. No reason to ever stop at third.
  2. Same score as the high school game I watched last night. Longhorns 84 clan aggy. 3 684 total yards
  3. Hinch has already said they are playing to clinch and not for seeding. Once they clinch they are shutting it down. Even so, it may be hard to not sweep the White Sox and get the 5.
  4. Neris gave Julio a make up pitch for charging at him before.
  5. Bregman and Pena are in a contest. First one to get a hit gets replaced by Kessinger and gets rest of the day off. I don’t know why Salazar isn’t playing
  6. No Kessinger. Guess trying to keep that spotless hitless stat line intact.
  7. I don’t feel great about the chances of winning it all but if any team has earned the benefit of the doubt or deserves the support on the journey to the WS, it is this one. It’s kinda fitting they will have to win 13 games this year instead of 11. Doing things the easy way just doesn’t fit them. I’m ready for tight games and long series every step of the way. November champagne is the sweetest.
  8. So we’re playing Singleton against lefty’s now? Three left handed pitchers coming up? Our bench is so weak.
  9. Good grief. I haven’t watched much the last 4 or 5 games. Didn’t know he was that hurt. Is Meyers banged up too?
  10. Same people who ranked Notre Dame and A&M.
  11. Still bad form. The QB was being hit by two other players at the same time. He inadvertently hit him helmet to helmet. No intent. Penalize and move on. It’s not targeting in the spirit in which it was derived. Shouldn’t be thrown out of game. Thats all I’m saying. Guess I’m arguing the degree and punishment more than the act. Not arguing. I understand your stance. I’m old. I was a linebacker. Head up, see what you hit, face mask is like crosshairs on a gun. Doesn’t always happen though.
  12. Wouldn’t have many takers on a 2 hit game
  13. Well hell. Good game. Needed a few more plays.
  14. I hear what you’re saying but you’re just penalizing for bad tackling form. “Targeting” implies you made someone a target with malicious intent and is why the penalty originated. Penalizing bad tackling form and fundamentals was not the intent.
  15. I’m confused. Cant make them kick again? That seems dumb
  16. Targeting in most cases is dumb. There are times when it absolutely should be called. Thats not one.
  17. TheTVapp.to if any directv people need a link
  18. https://thetvapp.to/event/arizona-diamondbacks-vs-houston-astros-2664d5ff66845542420876e21de0b5c7/ Disney directv people can watch here on phone or tv with browser
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