I’ve always been kind of ambivalent about baseball managers. In baseball, there is no playbook like football to call plays or defense, you don’t diagram a last minute shot like basketball to get the ball in your best players hands. I know there are some subtle things managers can do but for the most part, in my mind, managers lose way more games than they win. Their one main job is just putting the best players out there on the Diamond. After that, it’s all individual performance. Dusty fails miserably at his one main duty as manager almost daily. There’s not one game in my mind where anyone can say we would have lost without Dusty. But several where we can sure blame him. I think that’s the nature of baseball honestly. You don’t notice the good ones as much because they usually have good players and don’t do dumb shit like pinch hit for the guy with the third highest OPS with a guy who should be working in a warehouse.