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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smokebomb

  1. https://www.wsj.com/articles/blood-testing-firm-theranos-to-dissolve-1536115130
  2. I haven’t read the series in a while but remember liking them all even though Simmons sometimes tends to drag. However, the 3rd & 4th books are their own series and remember them only being vaguely related to the 1st & 2nd. If you like Dan Simmons, I’d also highly recommend Illium & Olympos.
  3. Sorry for quoting Switzer but: ‘Whatever you do, don’t hurt Thurman, because they have a backup freshman running back named Barry Sanders and you will never tackle him.’ -Barry Switzer to the OU team before the '87 OSU game, Sanders' freshman year.
  4. smokebomb

    Austin FC

    Found this on my door today:
  5. FWIW - I wasn't able to use PayPal (with an account or CC) for a monthly subscription but it worked when I did the annual subscription.
  6. smokebomb


    This is pretty huge for SpaceX: https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/07/congress-requires-military-to-consider-reusable-rockets-for-launch-contracts/
  7. smokebomb


    They nailed today's launch and even recovered the first stage during pretty bad weather. They will have their next launch next Thursday (8/2), making for 3 in an 11 day period. https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-falcon-9-landing-iridium-fairing-catch/
  8. I am more surprised the Alouettes have a message board...
  9. No aliens but they found building blocks for life: https://www.npr.org/2018/06/07/617235884/nasas-curiosity-rover-finds-chemical-building-blocks-for-life-on-mars
  10. smokebomb


    Block 5 successfully launched: they say that this new version will have a 24 hour turnaround, with only refueling needed.
  11. Simulation of the newly proposed construction at the Y at Oak Hill:
  12. smokebomb


    Not SpaceX but figured putting this weekend’s Blue Origin’s successful launch & landing here is better than starting a separate thread:
  13. From the Daily Texan: http://dailytexanonline.com/2018/04/25/residents-of-goodall-wooten-dormitory-told-they-must-leave-by-may-16
  14. He posted on his new blog today about his upcoming book on the history of the Targaryen kings of Westeros, Fire & Blood, Volume 1: http://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2018/04/25/fire-blood-on-the-way/ His very first comment is about TSOIAF: He is never going to finish the series...
  15. smokebomb

    Hair Metal

    Only because they were mentioned earlier, but Steel Panther is playing Austin at Emo's in July: https://www.c3concerts.com/events/steel-panther-emos-austin-20180712-7165/
  16. Spoiler tagging in case people don’t want to know.
  17. There’s an old Washington joke that goes: “Every senator looks in the mirror and sees a president.”
  18. Because he has created an overly, complicated story-line and he has absolutely zero clue on how to tie it all into the ending he wants.
  19. I’ve heard of something similar with an employee who worked at a company before I did. My understanding is that he completely believed the IRS didn’t have the authority to collect taxes and even got the company to not withhold income taxes (how he managed that, I have no idea). Now this guy also owed the government millions of dollars due to the lucrative acquisition of a previous company but he still hadn’t paid any taxes. Eventually the g-men came & arrested him. He tried the same defense or similar your buddy is using and even said the court didn’t have the authority to try him. He was found guilty and when he was non-conciliatory with the federal judge, he was sentenced to 5 years in federal prison & his property was confiscated to pay the back taxes. My guess is that your buddy hasn’t warranted the full attention of the government because the amount he owes isn’t worth their time. Yet. Once he gains their attention, and eventually he will, they will come after him. It’s important to note that there is no statue of limitations on tax evasion - so even if he gets away with it for 30 years, they can eventually bust him for the entire period he wasn’t paying. Messing with the government’s cash flow is a fool’s errand and one day it will catch up to him.
  20. From Wiki https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Darrell_K_Royal-Texas_Memorial_Stadium_at_Night.jpg: It is 3,264 × 2,448 pixels.
  21. Ouch - it’s been down since last nite: http://www.businessinsider.com/is-fortnite-down-status-xbox-ps4-pc-ios-iphone-2018-4
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