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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smokebomb

  1. Info about one of the battle scenes: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/a-game-of-thrones-season-8-battle-took-55-nights-t/1100-6458066/
  2. I still don't think Austin will get HQ2 but the Robinson ranch is the most likely candidate if it did: https://www.bizjournals.com/austin/news/2018/04/06/robinson-ranch-owners-court-developers-for-7-000.html
  3. They’ve done this across the board since it’s harder to protest land value than it is to protest the structure’s value.
  4. Quite the Riot
  5. Not really old but some pics I took downtown during the early to mid 2000s:
  6. Yea, when driverless cars take off, people in cities will no longer need to own a car. Rich people will simply pick up the BMW or Mercedes app and call whatever car they want while middle class and low income people will use car pools. I still think that rural areas will dictate owning a car since the service availability of car shares in low population areas will be an issue. And although I agree that driverless cars will help reduce traffic a bit, i think one fact that is overlooked is that people using driverless cars won't care as much about traffic. If you aren't driving and you can sleep/work/zone-out, you are less likely to care how long the commute takes than compared to when you are driving yourself. Cities with public transit now are a perfect example of this.
  7. From my freshman year in '96:
  8. Like Bluto said, the first year after you buy, they will re-adjust the value and they usually do this by looking up how big of a mortgage you took out on the property. If that isn't available, they look at comps in the area. But the 10% Homestead exemption is just the cap of how much you have to pay in taxes each year, not the appraised value. So if they raise your appraised value 20%, your first year's tax payment will be capped at 10% over your previous year's taxes. The kicker is that in the 2nd year, the 10% cap only covers the previous year, so you tax bill will again increase to finish covering the 20% appraised value. And that is assuming they don't re-adjust the appraised value the 2nd year, which is a poor assumption.
  9. Hence the road named “Speedway” as it was how one got to the racetrack That and the clear cutting of any trees. Interesting fact: Some say the lack of grass plus the ability to better manage wild fires lead to the explosion of cedar/juniper trees in central Texas. My understanding is that although cedar/juniper is native, it wasn’t nearly as prevalent around Austin until after the area was settled.
  10. Serious question - what do you do if you believe TCAD made a serious mistake in their appraisal? I live in Clarksville and everyone’s appraisals went up 50% in our condo group. The last comp we have was from December 2016 and it was inline with last year’s appraisals. Do we all have to go through the protest process? If I felt I could get the new appraised value, I’d sell tomorrow.
  11. Looks like it starts a April 22nd:
  12. Notice that I-35 still has the same number of lanes for the last 60 years...
  13. Implosion in downtown Austin of Ashbel Smith Hall:
  14. Wulaw Horn said it best to start the original thread: Very sad to see that that over a year later, the above is still very much true.
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