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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smokebomb

  1. https://www.kut.org/transportation/2023-05-23/austin-project-connect-recommendation-light-rail-10-miles-street-level
  2. Looks like she has to report by May 30th and along with her ex, pay $452 million in restitution: https://www.axios.com/2023/05/18/theranos-founder-elizabeth-holmes-prison-sentence-may-30
  3. Bye bye bye: https://finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/appeals-court-denies-elizabeth-holmes-request-to-stay-out-of-prison-113457150.html
  4. It’s expensive but I’m ok with any kid having $30k in debt. That’s a car payment for 5-6 years and although not cheap, it won’t debilitate someone like $300k would. I would prefer free college for kids but that’s a pipe dream.
  5. I think most public schools will be fine. They normally aren’t charging $50k a year for in-state tuition and there will always be kids wanting to go there. But the small, private liberal arts schools? They are screwed. Some have already started shutting down and they won’t be bailed out. State governments already don’t pay enough to public colleges, i doubt there will be any taxpayer money for private colleges that fail.
  6. First - a 2015 OpEd from the NYT discussing the increase in tuition: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/05/opinion/sunday/the-real-reason-college-tuition-costs-so-much.html 2nd - I’ve always hated the assertion that a college degree is the sole reason people are successful later in life. College self-select the smartest people - high grades, activities, test scores, etc. The traits that got the kids into college are the main reason kids are successful in life, not just the degree they obtained. Colleges love to tout this but it’s just marketing to justify their existence. 3rd - I am not anti college. If your parents have $300k and you want to study international basket weaving & English at Patchouli U, go for it. But fuck that same university for trying to recruit a kid whose parents that make less than $50k and will never get out of that debt. A reckoning is coming for those schools and I have zero sympathy. If colleges want to be so expensive, kids should get an appropriate paying career out of it. Finally - I think trade schools are a great path for kids today. With the increase in technology and the high cost of shipping, factory work is coming back to the US. Plus, everyone needs to shit and plumbers will always have a job. I personally think that kids in high school should be able to start apprenticeships so that when they graduate, they are on a great career path. I will now step off my soap box.
  7. https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/oklahoma-recreational-marijuana-vote-only-a-month-away?_amp=true
  8. I think he is saying A&M will fire Jimbo with cause, not Jimbo leaving. And I think Jimbo has $86m left on his contract.
  9. https://m.facebook.com/TAMUPolice/photos/a.59223651785/10158851149516786/?type=3
  10. https://kfor.com/news/local/wife-accomplice-screenshot-857-child-porn-photos-to-frame-husband-before-upcoming-custody-battle/amp/ And I agree with earlier posts - you need to step back & not make this your fight. This is such a horrendous accusation, you have to protect you & your family’s mental well-being first. Although he might be falsely accused, you have to begin to accept the possibility he is guilty, no matter how much you think you know him. It really sucks since no matter what happens, there will be no winners. TLDR: Protect your family first & limit your involvement in his battle.
  11. https://www.ksat.com/news/ksat-investigates/2023/01/04/michelle-barrientes-vela-sentenced-to-5-years-probation-90-days-in-jail-600-hours-community-service/
  12. The Leona General Store is awesome & is about 8 miles south of Centerville. https://www.instagram.com/leonageneral/ Note: The wait can be long & it’s only opened for dinner Friday & Saturday (steak/chicken), with all-you-can-eat catfish on Thursday evening.
  13. Will ticket prices drop significantly between now and the game? I would imagine a few days before, prices will be much lower than now.
  14. Not trying to promote Apple but the iPhone 14 looks like something moose needs to pick up: https://mustreadalaska.com/apple-a-day-snowmachiners-life-saved-with-new-apple-iphone-14-sos-feature/
  15. Lower enrollment due to less kids: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/23428166/college-enrollment-population-education-crash
  16. Best review of the book on Amazon: Little did he know what a GRRM eternity really meant...
  17. Heads up - here is a list of chapters and corresponding POV characters for book 4: Just wanted to give you a warning since you might be expecting all of the previous series characters to have a chapter in the book but they do not.
  18. The scenario that Neonmoon describes what we are looking for. I would like to move quickly on buying a new home if we see something we really like instead of waiting for ours to hit the market & sell. I also like the idea of moving into the new home before putting the old on the market & not have to deal with the hassle of showing the house & the rush to get out of it when it does close. Thanks - that’s exactly what I was seeing with Fly but I didn’t realize the steep fee. Outside of costs, are there any gotaches? The reviews for Fly seem overwhelming good but you know how those can be manipulated. My understanding is that you typically use your own mortgage company - is that also correct? Thanks for the insight!
  19. Has anyone had any experience with using a service like Flyhomes? I’m more interested in using them as a bridge loan service. They seem to have a good reputation but wanted any input from this group. Thoughts? Are they Good? Bad? Should I look at using a standard bridge loan instead?
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