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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smokebomb

  1. Another lawsuit: https://www.statesman.com/news/20190314/ut-named-in-class-action-suit-against-schools-in-college-cheating-scandal
  2. Leaked footage of Firestorm, the Battle Royale update for BFV:
  3. Alright - who on Surly owns this car: (from reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/awxgu7/spotted_at_the_south_costco/)
  4. If 5G does what it promises, people would potentially be able to get rid of cable internet and use mobile 5G for their home internet access, not just their phone. It could also provide access to high speed broadband in rural areas since all it involves is putting up a tower, not running wires to individual houses. Don't expect it to arrive overnight though - they just approved last month the official 5G technical standard. But the mobile networks are very keen to get it push out (see Verizon's early rollout of unofficial standard above) so it may be available sooner than expected since it has the potential to be such a game changer.
  5. smokebomb


    Opening of hatch happens around 1:50:
  6. smokebomb


    I've updated the post with a NASA link. Capture happens about minute 26.
  7. smokebomb


    Video of the docking:
  8. Couldn't find this discussed anywhere else, so here is the SXSW trailer for the upcoming "Becoming Leslie" documentary. From https://austin.com/the-leslie-cochran-movie-trailer-is-so-good-youll-cry/:
  9. smokebomb


    SpaceX to launch first commercial moon mission Thursday: https://www.apnews.com/76bc9dbc1b1e4d8b94afa919468177bb
  10. Update: https://www.statesman.com/news/20190131/ut-spirit-group-ashamed-of-hazing-punishes-some-members
  11. HBO is doing a documentary on Theranos due out later this year: With a review & synapses by The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/25/18197713/the-inventor-review-theranos-scandal-silicon-valley-startup-elizabeth-holmes-fraud-sundance-2019
  12. My attempt at some backyard lunar photography:
  13. The details: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/asia-argento-paid-sexual-assault-accuser-report-1135872
  14. Saw this a few times near Fort Worth this evening:
  15. Solar panels deploying is huge: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7294 Second picture from the lander:
  16. Amazon has it for $35 today if anyone has been on the fence: https://www.amazon.com/Fallout-76-PlayStation-4/dp/B07DD9571S
  17. Apparently the black dots are debris on the camera dust cover, which will be removed later.
  18. Reminder: Today at 2pm CDT the InSight Lander will land on Mars. InSight is not a rover but lander that The landing itself will be pretty interesting (from Verge ) Another interesting part is the Cube Sats that are following InSight: Coverage begins at 1pm CDT and you can watch the live stream at https://www.youtube.com/NASAJPL/live
  19. Yea - just read this Wired article on other cities diverting ride-hailing to other parts of the airport too. Seems like it might help.
  20. Not quite sure how this is going to work out: https://www.statesman.com/news/20181119/ride-hailing-taxi-pickup-spot-at-airport-moved-to-new-spot
  21. And now Zach's rage will be re-targeted on Brett.
  22. Serious question - what don’t you like about Denver? And will you be leaving Colorado or just Denver?
  23. I did the digital download and it was a 95GB download. I started it last night about 6pm and it finished sometime early this morning.
  24. Correct - a wildcard for hr97.com would cover ousux.hr97.com, hr97.com/ousux, www.hr97.com and anything "*.hr97.com/*". And like you said, you would need another SSL cert for ousux.com, of which you could get a single cert or a wildcard cert. A single cert would cover anything for "ousux.com/*" but not for *.ousux.com. Add-on domain is the terminology that Hostgator would use while others would just simply call it another domain.
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