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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smokebomb

  1. Saw this a few times near Fort Worth this evening:
  2. Solar panels deploying is huge: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7294 Second picture from the lander:
  3. Amazon has it for $35 today if anyone has been on the fence: https://www.amazon.com/Fallout-76-PlayStation-4/dp/B07DD9571S
  4. Apparently the black dots are debris on the camera dust cover, which will be removed later.
  5. Reminder: Today at 2pm CDT the InSight Lander will land on Mars. InSight is not a rover but lander that The landing itself will be pretty interesting (from Verge ) Another interesting part is the Cube Sats that are following InSight: Coverage begins at 1pm CDT and you can watch the live stream at https://www.youtube.com/NASAJPL/live
  6. Yea - just read this Wired article on other cities diverting ride-hailing to other parts of the airport too. Seems like it might help.
  7. Not quite sure how this is going to work out: https://www.statesman.com/news/20181119/ride-hailing-taxi-pickup-spot-at-airport-moved-to-new-spot
  8. And now Zach's rage will be re-targeted on Brett.
  9. Serious question - what don’t you like about Denver? And will you be leaving Colorado or just Denver?
  10. I did the digital download and it was a 95GB download. I started it last night about 6pm and it finished sometime early this morning.
  11. Correct - a wildcard for hr97.com would cover ousux.hr97.com, hr97.com/ousux, www.hr97.com and anything "*.hr97.com/*". And like you said, you would need another SSL cert for ousux.com, of which you could get a single cert or a wildcard cert. A single cert would cover anything for "ousux.com/*" but not for *.ousux.com. Add-on domain is the terminology that Hostgator would use while others would just simply call it another domain.
  12. 1. It looks like Hostgator provides free SSL certs but they expire every 90 days. This would be a pain in the ass for me but you may be ok with updating your certs every 3 months. They have info here https://support.hostgator.com/articles/ssl-certificates/hostgator-free-ssl and it looks like you can manage it with your cPanel. It also looks like they have a premium SSL certificate service which lets you buy certs with 1 & 2 year expirations. 2. You mention that you have subdomains but use one example: hr97.com/ousuxshit. As far as certificates are concerned, this is a single domain. SSL certs only care about the hr97.com part and not about anything after the /. If this is the case, you would only need one SSL cert for hr97.com. If you have other domains or subdomains (like ousux.com or ousux.hr97.com), you will need a certificate for each website. If you have more than 3 subdomains on a single domain (ousux.hr97.com, www.hr97.com), I would buy a wildcard SSL cert - which would look like *.hr97.com or *.ousux.com. This is the easiest solution but they do charge more for wildcard certs. For instance, a single Gator SSL cert is $40/yr while a wildcard cert is $120/yr - https://support.hostgator.com/articles/domain-validated-ssl-certificates-for-single-domains. Note: www.hr97.com and hr97.com are different domain names and would need separate SSL certs if you didn't use a wildcard. Hostgator looks to have decent support for this and they would be able to set you up fairly easily. SSL certs are a common request and any hosting service has experience with them. Hopefully this helps,
  13. So basically - Austin spent $140 million dollars to look pretty on Instagram and help private tech startups. Yes - it is an amazing piece of architecture and a stunning building. Heck, I would suggest that anyone on a date go up to the patio/garden and use dimly-lit, amazing views of downtown and Lady Bird to impress. However, libraries should be built to help educate those less fortunate and not try to impress others in order to make yourself feel better. The people that really need a library will not travel downtown much to use it and the majority of people that will use it, will be high paid, downtown workers drinking their Starbucks. The money would have been better spent building 5+ smaller libraries in low-income areas of town to help provide services to those that need it. Instead, all Austin did was create a drop-in office space for a bunch of high-paid hipsters and a pretty architecture example the city council could point to that shows how progressive they are. I will be voting on Prop B because it is what should have happened in the first place. And fuck the city council for making me pissed about what should have been a good thing.
  14. On my flight back into Austin this evening, we flew right over Lake Travis and I got this picture of the dam:
  15. This. I know I’m still shell shocked by the last 10 years but we are a few plays away from being 4-3 or even 3-4.
  16. 1. Implements are never as easy to attach as the videos say they are. 2. Use grease on the PTO shaft when connecting stuff to it, makes it easy to get off later. 3. Learn where your nearest hydraulic repair shop is, they will be a lifesaver when you need to replace hydraulic fittings & hoses. 4. Be smart but don’t worry about damaging them. Tractors are tools & are made to get dinged. 6. If you’ve a shade or top, make sure you look out for low limbs...
  17. Here is hoping they will include the prison scenes in the Jennifer Lawrence movie...
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/oct/13/we-will-fly-again-nasa-to-keep-using-russias-soyuz-despite-failure
  19. Rae should have gotten Ray Lewis’ attorneys...
  20. After the game it can take a long time to get a car. Last year, Uber paired me up with a driver in Round Rock and said it was a 30 minute wait until they got there. Unfortunately they got stuck in traffic on the way down and it took much longer. If you take one to the game, have a plan to do something for an hour or so after the game before calling one.
  21. smokebomb


    Amazing video from the ground:
  22. smokebomb


    Pretty awesome video of last night's launch since it was such a clear night. Successful booster return to land on the California coast for the first time.
  23. Here's a blast from the past to cheer everyone up:
  24. smokebomb


    Another successful SpaceX launch & booster recovery last night: https://mashable.com/article/spacex-droneship-landing-telstar/#9RnBwmlORuqj Launch at ~14 min mark, booster landing on drone ship around 22~ min mark but the video breaks up.
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