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Everything posted by BurntOrange4Life

  1. There you go, it's settled. Card will be at least 6'5" and win us another national championship. Book it!
  2. Is it just me or does this guy look slow? Doesn't look like he gets off the ball very quick or to the quarterback.
  3. It’s over, been over, never was. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I wasn't sold after watching his junior year tape, but this kid looks legit.
  5. It must suck to be an aggy! Born Texas's bitch. Then run off to the good ole secsecsec only to be Alabama's bitch.
  6. Why would Leach return to Tech? I love the guy and it would be great if he did, but why?
  7. This has been said, but i want to be clear. Our moderator is an aggy? That can't be real?
  8. This is about politics for the democrats and not whether this woman was assaulted or not. Democrats can't stop his nomination based on his record, so they bring unsubstantiated allegations to try and derail it.
  9. So anyone accused of a crime is guilty until proven innocent? No one has ever been falsely accused? Are you prepared to be held to that standard?
  10. According to your standard no one can be confirmed to the supreme court ever. False charges can and will be levied against all future nominees if this tactic is succesful.
  11. If the Democrats believe her, why didn't they bring this forward when they learned about it? You know the answer, there's nothing to her accusation and they want to use it to delay the vote til after the election. This is political and has nothing to do with whether he did or didn't assault her.
  12. Let me give this a shot. All border collies are dogs, but not all dogs are border collies. Is that what he's trying to say?
  13. Can someone explain why we ever got away from Burnt Orange?
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