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Everything posted by PokerFace

  1. i love how fortnite is tagged in this post. shameless way to get more likes, but i dig it.
  2. Can't recommend this one enough.
  3. I agree that this is the best option for beginners. It allows you to get your bearings in the game a little bit and is much more forgiving in terms of being able to get Quick kills. Just make sure that you hide yourself a little bit, or else you’ll die superfast
  4. With their loss at home today, Man City will look to clinch the PL title next week (but they’d need big help from WBA beating ManU as well). Hopefully they retain their recent form going into Saturday
  5. It wasn’t terrible, but I’m really surprised it got the ratings it did. I expected it to be a flop. Shows what i know.
  6. David French--a conservative writer--has a pretty good write-up of the incident. If someone at the National Review can be calling for police reform, maybe there's hope for us yet. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/03/the-police-shooting-of-stephon-clark-is-deeply-problematic/
  7. That would suck. Besides Kane and Eriksen, he's the most important member of the team, IMO
  8. PokerFace


    Randoms is a ton of fun--love how the group pretty much gels because everyone knows that shit happens. I happened to be grouped up with a really smart team last night, and it was so much fun. I don't have a regular group of friends to play with, so it was refreshing to be a part of a team that worked together with a strategy each round. We wrecked shop and won like 6 competitive matches in a row. Runs like that are what make Overwatch so addictive.
  9. PokerFace


    I got into Overwatch a little late, but I'm addicted now. It's so much fun switching up characters based on what the teams needs at a given moment. But if I'm free to pick on my own: Junkrat all day long. https://kotaku.com/i-used-to-hate-junkrat-until-i-tried-playing-as-him-1823337863 Tracer is a character that good players can dominate with, but I just can't ever seem to figure out how to play her well.
  10. This is how i feel. I'm sticking to overwatch because i'm too lazy to learn how to play well.
  11. Dammit. I was hoping I could start this thread. I have a lot of commercial hate brewing inside.
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