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Certifiably Surly
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Goredho last won the day on December 14 2018

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  1. Pedal tuners are definitely nice.
  2. This hits close to home. I got tipsy and a little high last night and was killing time waiting for it all to kick in fully before going to bed, so I asked ChatGPT what would have if the Yellowstone Super Volcano erupted, but instead of spewing ash, it spewed an equivalent amount of the psychedelic compound from bufo alvarius (toad) venom. This is what it had to say;
  3. Witnessing violent/traumatic death is no joke. I was driving next to a small airfield in a suburb of Salt Lake City with my then infant son in his car seat in the back. I noticed a small plane that had just taken off kind of rising and falling erratically before stalling out and plunging into the ground. No explosion, but it caught fire quick and by the time I was pulled over, the whole plane was on fire. This was about 30 yards away from me on the other side of a security fence. I pulled over, got over to the fence, and I could see the pilot burning inside. The first vehicle to arrive on the inside of the fence was just a civilian car, and a young woman got out and got within maybe 5-10 yards of the cockpit and just started wailing in a way I had never heard before. Emergency vehicles arrived pretty quickly, but they couldn't do much. Plane burned down super quick, and the pilot certainly was dead by the time they got there. I read in the paper the next day that he was just a local pilot who flew advertising banners over sporting events. He was taking off to go fly something over a minor league baseball game when he had some sort of engine trouble and boom he was gone. That event fucked with me for quite awhile, and recalling it now, I can still see the dude in the cockpit. I hope it does not stick with you like it did me, @Ghost of LL. Here's a photo of the aftermath and the news article:
  4. I don't disagree with anything you wrote (I, too, am a mediocre fly caster), I am just not sure Elon is bragging about his Diablo skills solely to fill some inner psychological need. I think just as Trump has managed to make himself relatable to the disenfranchised working class white male, Elon is making himself relatable to a lost generation of angry young males (many under the age of 18) who are estranged from the opposite sex and spend the majority of their time online playing video games. You've seen what Trump was able to do with his following. I wonder what Elon's planning to do with his?
  5. Petition to rename thread "The Democratic Party's Over".
  6. We don't disagree on much. Where I am at, the average Walmart shopper is not looking for a dopamine hit. The average Walmart shopper is shopping there because they have to. Their wages are flat relative to inflation, but their housing is rapidly getting more and more expensive as relatively wealthy outsiders (I'm one of them) pay inflated prices divorced from what the local economy would dictate what a house on the hill built by people with real skills would cost.
  7. Eh, the disappearance of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. is not because someone in 2016 is buying cheap shit at Walmart. It's because Walmart decided to start sourcing from overseas in the late 80s/early 90s to cut costs and grow revenue because there were no other (at least easier/less risky) ways to grow revenue. Your grandma didn't make that decision. Neither did George Bush Sr or Bill Clinton. Walmart's corporate leadership did. To the degree that politicians made their decisions possible, it was only after lobbying efforts from companies like Walmart to grease the wheels and make "globalization" possible. Over the last 40 or so years, that corporate "globalism" got consumers hooked on cheap prices like a pusher giving a junkie a cheap hit to make sure they come back for more. That's where your grandma comes in. It has come at the expense of jobs held by consumers while those corporate CEO's became billionaires. There is only one problem. It doesn't take someone with an economics degree to see that the side effect of eliminating your consumer's means to consume makes this an unsustainable way to increase corporate value. And so the billionaire CEOs are in tough spot today. They can't squeeze more blood from the low and middle class turnip to keep increasing the valuations of their corporations so as to maintain their position as billionaires. At the same time, unrest is rising in the economic classes beneath them that are having their jobs eliminated, classes of people who are surviving on the cheap goods that were only made possible through the elimination of their jobs. So what's a billionaire CEO to do? You use some of your billions to blame it on the getaway driver -- the government. You buy the media companies that provide the windows by which the common man understands the world outside their direct observation. You use those windows of information to focus their ire on the government and people they already distrust. You use it to blame your enemies and to turn the different layers of the lower 98% income distribution against each other. You capitalize on their desperation, their calls for radical change to get one of your own elected President. A special kind of guy who is skilled as a wrestling heel. Someone who gets as many people to hate them as love them. Someone who can keep people's attention on their outrageous acts while other steps are taken unnoticed. Steps to erect an oligarchy and kleptocracy where your economic status as a billionaire CEO is ensured. Ensured beyond the point in which it can be sustained through the free market capitalization of an exhausted resource -- the American consumer.
  8. Eh, I can think of worse ways to die.
  9. I'm pretty sure Emilio Estevez's character in "The Breakfast Club" was in detention for taping this dude's butt cheeks together.
  10. Cheaper alternatives for consumers only exist after a strategic decision is made by a corporate leadership to import cheaper alternatives. It's not a literal time machine. It's more of a prosperity time machine. You make the average person's existence ugly enough to where they will accept the conditions you dictate to survive.
  11. Yep. If we were smart, we'd quit spending our time on Surly and found an NGO that replaces NOAA. Call it Liberty Weather Services, work a flag into the logo and make the right contributions/donations. We could hire all the fired government meteorologists and scientists for 50% of their previous salary, buy all the now surplus government equipment and infrastructure for a nickel on the dollar "to help pay off the national debt" and charge the government 150% of what NOAA used to cost for our superior services.
  12. Presidents did this? Or wealthy CEOs looking to ever-lower costs in pursuit of keeping their graphs trending up and to the right?
  13. Because Justin Trudeau is trying to pour fentanyl into your kid's mouths.
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