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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Tax free municipal bonds distributed in various ways around the country.
  2. Moved from 75/25 equity/bond to 60/40 today. I can't make more moves without some serious capital gains consequences, so likely going to ride from here until/unless there are losses to offset the gains.
  3. Everybody wanted me to do it, him most of all. I felt like he was up there, waiting for me to take the pain away. He just wanted to go out like a soldier, standing up, not like some poor, wasted, rag-assed renegade. Even the jungle wanted him dead, and that's who he really took his orders from anyway.
  4. Seems kind of like this but with the capo vs nut?
  5. Needs a hazardous waste warning.
  6. This is a pretty great post, even if I don't fully agree with all of it. In 2024, about 60% of the electorate was 55 or younger. That means, a large percentage of voters have never lived through/were old enough to have a memory of living through: The first or second World War A time where women didn't have the right to vote, seek an abortion or lead a Fortune 500 company The Great Depression The fight for civil rights and relative racial equality The assassinations of US political leaders like JFK, RFK and MLK The Vietnam War, a draft, its unpopularity and the discord here at home The government we are dismantling today arose from the pain of people felt by people living (and dying) through those things. But for the vast majority of voters in 2024, what it would be like to live through those things without a protective federal government is just an abstract idea. I mean, that's true of me, too. I have an idea that living that would suck, but I certainly don't know it from my own life experience. People are just going to have to live through some shit before they can recognize the value of what they had and demand its return.
  7. I am kinda you. I went from 100% stocks to 75% stocks 25% tax free muni bonds for cities scattered across the country and distributed by climate, geography and politics. I mean, the city of Austin has a higher credit rating than the U.S., at least according to the S&P. I am bumping it closer to 50/50 today but not sure what to do with the 25% I will be taking out of the market. I am well paid, but I am in my mid 50s and have retirement in sight. Realistically, my next job will be at a pay cut and not by my choice. I won't have a runway of peak earning years to recover from big losses. Not sure what else I might should be considering. Maybe foreign funds? I do have oh-shit emergency funds distributed between cash, gold and bitcoin, so it's more about what to do with the big pot that I'd like to see grow, but not at the risk of being unavailable for retirement.
  8. That Firebird would be bad ass if it was literally any other color.
  9. Things we received from how we conducted ourselves in the world from Sept 2nd 1945 to Sept 10th 2001. This is in regard to our foreign policy, NATO, the UN and maintaining strong alliances with western democracies. - The most peaceful stretch of time for a state in the history of the world - The most prosperous stretch of time for a people in the history of the world - Significant humanitarian and civil rights gains here and abroad - Dozens of countries following our leadership and deferring to our policies - Dozens of countries willing to materially and militarily assist us whenever asked - An unassailable position as the world's lone super power (our downfall could only come from within) You do make an excellent point that this was all wasted on people like yourself.
  10. Now I see where he got the cyber truck's geometry from. It's him, rotated 90 degrees to be parallel to the ground.
  11. No idea. I mean, right now, the U.S. is as vocal about absorbing the rest of North America as Russia is about the Ukraine or China is about Taiwan. We seem to be heading into a new age of imperialism, where the U.S. aims to expand within the west, China in Asia and Russia in Europe. What might look appealing today outside this country may be a war ravaged hellscape in 5 years let alone 20. More than ever, this famous Lenin quote resonates with me: "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen." We're in a time of tectonic geopolitical shifts. The best thing one can do is prepare to be agile and fluid vs cementing concrete plans.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/03/trump-national-forest-executive-order It'll be an own goal, but we'll just...
  13. I am transforming more and more into a finger picker. I mean, I’ll still use a pick but it’s maybe 10% of the time. As for age, I think for me it’s more that my interests and focus has changed over time. I am pretty ambivalent about flat picking 32nd notes and more interested in meaningful/memorable melody and note articulation these days. I’ll still play quick lines, but it’s mostly fingerpicked legato. Along with this are triads and arpeggios that are more economically played fingerstyle or hybrid picking.
  14. Where’s Rowdy Roddy Piper when you need him?
  15. IK just announced a new editor app for these pedals to be released March 13th. I guess they finally got tired of reading "Everything about the Tonex is great except that fucking app..." https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=IKAnnouncesTONEXEditor&srsltid=AfmBOoqSV21NZ0ZBtzR2wLxcC9VtZi05RKdfIiZk0Slal1Aqzvui6NTz
  16. She should pull herself up by her garter belt, become an escort and start an onlyfans. It not only won't cost her anything, she'll actually be paid to be fertilized. She needs to be quick, though. The going rate is inversely proportional to the price of eggs and other inflationary pressures.
  17. @Chad Fuck, you will be happy to learn that in less than 24 hours of me giving you shit for this post, I received this decorative wooden spoonocaster as a thoughtful gift. Mind sharing your address?
  18. What narrative happens to be the best for Ewers draft stock? That he played mediocrely when healthy or mediocrely while injured? Maybe he was injured all year and that was the only reason he struggled, but I would also expect these stories to protect his payday if it weren’t the case, too. We don’t know, and it will be NFL scouts, coaches and GMs to figure out whether it’s spin or legit.
  19. Attaching the same gif twice to an old man rant post really sells it.
  20. In this game of Axis & Allies Russia's Russia, The U.S. is Germany and Europe is Poland.
  21. Meanwhile, somewhere in Colorado these are being made… I guess those Firefly’s and Harley Benton’s have a use after all.
  22. Will be interesting to see what is eventually done with National park land without anyone to administer/steward them. The small government answer to national parks has been conservation easements in the past. Encumber the land with an easement held by a conservation group that prevents it from being subdivided or otherwise developed and get a tax break for the difference in its “highest and best use” value (developed) and its value with the encumbrance. Then you get to enjoy it as your own personal private wilderness with little/no cost of ownership. There is no stipulation that it needs to be open to the public, even though the public are indirectly paying for it through lost tax revenue. If it were up for auction and you had a serious tax liability and access to a few billion dollars, you could buy the Grand Canyon for several billion, put a conservation easement on it, get several billion in tax breaks and wind up owning it for treefiddy, more or less. Great little vacation spot for a billionaire.
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