This is a pretty great post, even if I don't fully agree with all of it. In 2024, about 60% of the electorate was 55 or younger. That means, a large percentage of voters have never lived through/were old enough to have a memory of living through:
The first or second World War
A time where women didn't have the right to vote, seek an abortion or lead a Fortune 500 company
The Great Depression
The fight for civil rights and relative racial equality
The assassinations of US political leaders like JFK, RFK and MLK
The Vietnam War, a draft, its unpopularity and the discord here at home
The government we are dismantling today arose from the pain of people felt by people living (and dying) through those things. But for the vast majority of voters in 2024, what it would be like to live through those things without a protective federal government is just an abstract idea. I mean, that's true of me, too. I have an idea that living that would suck, but I certainly don't know it from my own life experience. People are just going to have to live through some shit before they can recognize the value of what they had and demand its return.