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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Best thing about a reliced guitar is the absence of heart drop when you first bang it on something that would leave a mark.
  2. Getting close, hearing it scream will put me over the top.
  3. And by eagles, they mean two eagles sent from God swooped from the sky, snagged his balls and deposited them into the cup, which is strangely more believable than Dotard sinking two eagles back to back from 140+ yards.
  4. But Nikki Sixx doesn't play bass.
  5. You’d think that was a book, but it’s a one page flyer. Put finger on string, pull, profit!
  6. Eh, I mean, you and I believe OJ killed Nicole, but we are not privy to the inner workings of their family and how those kids view their dad or mom. I know their kids didn’t murder her, so maybe they don’t deserve to be on trial for grieving the loss of their dad even if he was a despicable cunt?
  7. This isn't that weird. Every funeral home/planner/cremtorium offers this as an upcharge service. Would you like fries with your cremation? I declined both times I had to navigate a death/funeral, but it doesn't surprise me that a family member opts to have some ashes in a pendant or something.
  8. I don't agree with everything in that article, but I do think it's on to something with the Harris/Walz ticket, and I would call it "authenticity." Most politicians speak, and you pretty quickly realize you are listening to a politician -- a shady salesperson hawking ideas bought and sold with votes. With the truly gifted politicians you don't get that sense. You feel like you are just listening to someone with a lot of common sense telling it like it is and presenting ideas against problems. When I listen to Harris and Walz, I don't feel like someone is trying to sell me a lemon. Trump is interesting in this regard. I think he is authentically an asshole, moron and disruptor of the status quo. That speaks to the politically disenfranchised who value his authenticity in that regard. But I don't think he's authentically attempting to make anything better for anyone other than himself and a small minority of would be oligarchs. He's the ultimate manifestation of this meme, and a good number of people have been made so angry and afraid that they cannot recognize they have a lot more in common with the minority sitting with them at the table of the common man than the wealthy asshole who has stopped by to rile them both up.
  9. Somewhere someone is writing an elegy for this wannabilly.
  10. Yeah, the Sweetwater plek pitch is a "would you like to supersize your bougie gear order?" offer. On Reverb there is a clear gear price correction going on with the used market, I don't think it's started to trickle up to the new market yet where prices are set primarily by manufacturers. So I wouldn't buy a new guitar now that has a jacked up covid/stimulus price and a much larger than normal value drop as soon as the word "used" can be attached to it. Pedals and stuff under $300 are still moving, guitars over $1000 are slooooowww and sellers are cutting prices to pre-covid (normal?) levels to get a buyer. There are always outliers, but that seems to be the general trend.
  11. That its a miracle she didn't turn up in Town Lake?
  12. That's actually a very interesting statistic, that about 70% of Republicans feel democrats are palatable enough to fuck, and 70% of democrats wouldn't fuck a Republican with a ten foot dildo. I'd like to see it corrected for gender as I bet women comprise more of the Democratic Party than the Republican party. In my own circles, I think the average person who still identifies as Republican is kind of clueless about how repulsive they've become through association with who they vote for. They want to see their voting choices as a difference of opinion that shouldn't come between friends or family members. Like we're just walking out of a movie theater and disagreeing about how shitty the last M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie was. But their voting choices directly harm the health, well being or ability for other friends and family members to live, love and prosper. So that has to be reconciled against how they may treat that person as an individual face to face, and they just can't see that they bear a responsibility for the real-world effects of their vote.
  13. This is how we know it's a cult. They are "party over pussy."
  14. Could you imagine what a MAGA-branded ez-bake oven might look like? I'm just gonna leave that for you degenerates to contemplate.
  15. Well this explains your affinity for the "fuck around and find out" emoji.
  16. Yeah, but have you ever seen 5 yo bowling leagues?
  17. Rapping/shouting is the best Vince Neil has sounded in years.
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