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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. So am I, I just have no confidence that this guy that we saw in the debate... ...is going to be equipped to defeat the rise of fascism, and I'm pissed at the opposition party for offering this cadaver up as the best they can muster as a defense for Democracy. Did he call out any of Trump's lies when given the opportunity to be his fact checker in the debate? Maybe late, but not before anyone turned off the shit show. I hope to hell I am wrong about Joe's ability to win.
  2. This is the worst fallout of the Trump presidency and why Putin and anyone who wants to see a weakened America loves him. He's a chaos monkey stress test for our country's democratic norms. He's basically called everything established over 200+ years of presidential conduct into question. He exposes the weakness and fragility in our Federal government, the judicial system and the idea of checks and balances and shared power. He makes everyone lose faith that our government "of the people for the people" is anything but a sham. The power associated with governance is for whoever wants to seize it provided they can get their allies in the right places to lower the decaying gates protecting American democracy.
  3. But, and hear me out… What if we develop a disruptive college football message board utilizing block chain AND generative AI? Surly there would be some value to the IP that would be developed.
  4. Voters didn’t see last night’s Biden in 2020.
  5. And I blame the dems for their only plan A being a shit show. If there is no plan B, your plan A to stop the destruction of American democracy better be fucking sound. It is not.
  6. There is probably no way to have a non-CR discussion about it, but after last night's Presidential debate, I am strongly of the opinion that both political parties need to be added to the pile of things that have become irredeemably enshittified.
  7. Yep, on one side you have crazy people who believe the 2020 election was rigged and on the other you have crazy people pretending that JoeB is not a flawed candidate and that last night was not detrimental to his campaign. Arguing with either of those groups is pointless. They are both fucking nuts. But hey, as long as the echoes keep reverberating in the chamber, we must be winning. Right? Right??
  8. They don't have to be perfect. They have to be coherent. And your condescension of the average American is part of the problem. Their vote, ignorant though it may be, counts just as much as yours or mine. The dems cannot write them off unless they want to guarantee a Trump 2.0. They have to win those people's votes, and they are there waiting to be won. But the guy that muddled through the debate last night guy isn't going to get that done. He's going to lose. Bigly. And if that happens, I hope your condescension of stupid voters is of some comfort to you as Project 2025 is enacted.
  9. It's the democrats responsibility to connect with the voters that will swing the election and present them with an alternative to what Trump is. And their effort to meet that responsibility is trotting out a dude that looks and acts like he wandered out of a dementia ward. The dems don't have to be perfect, they just have to nominate a moderate, sharp person under 65 that can call bullshit on Trump in real time. That's all they have to do. As it is, for the voters that will swing the election, they are looking at one side and seeing a felon, and at the other side and seeing an AZ patient, and their reaction is "What. The. Fuck." If they stay home, democracy dies. Because in an election where only passionate supporters vote, Trump wins. It's a cult, remember? If that happens, the Dems can blame the Fox, Republicans, the American people, and everyone else, but they need to look in the fucking mirror and realize they had the responsibility to connect with voters, earn their vote and save democracy and they failed miserably at all three.
  10. And you might as well be this guy. He was pretty adamant that all was well and success was assured if people just maintained faith, too. Bottom line, it’s ridiculous that the only viable opposition to Trump’s bid for an American Apartheid was the D candidate that limped onto the debate stage last night. I can’t blame anyone for staying home on Election Day.
  11. If the Democratic Party insists on giving voters “you are just gonna have to trust us as to who is really going to be running the country for the next four years” as the option to Felonious Trump they will lose and deserve being burned to the ground.
  12. And his debate opponent responded with “we… Covid….To every American… … … Defeated Medicare!” New, pulsing blood is needed as an oppositional force to MAGA.
  13. Dude, you are brilliant. But not Wes Moore, the dems can get Kinky Friedman to step in and...
  14. I think its more that politics have gotten so distasteful that the people who are worthy of office want nothing to do with it. They somewhat rightfully surmise that they would be able to effect more positive change in some other line of work than politician. The politician roles are handed to the worst of us.
  15. If either party nominated someone palatable to the center who was younger than 65, they would win this election by the largest margin in history.
  16. Seriously, would not use this mortician again.
  17. Sandy Hook families get to desecrate Alex Jones/Infowards corpse?
  18. Pairs great with the Blue Pill Boost. Does not mix well with the Adrenochrome Drive.
  19. For those that need more context.
  20. No one is asking, but Tonex One is pretty fucking good as two amps in a verrrry small box for direct to PA, powered FRFR cab or into an interface for recording.
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