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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. That guitar should have been buried with Prince.
  2. I'm not saying this is what happened, but if I was a republican governor and I got wind that Donald Trump was going to pick me for his VP, I'd float a story about how I murdered a helpless dog if I knew it would get me out of it. Gee, I'm really sorry, Mr Trump. I understand that I'm not electable now and you need to go in a different direction. I was really looking forward to your base wanting to murder me in January of 2028, too.
  3. We're going to need a new thread of AI dominance.
  4. Yep, a lot more people would be motivated to protest by a fascist show of force on the UT campus than whatever the fuck is going on with Israel and Palestinians a half a globe away.
  5. Holy fuck, Officer Rod Farva is real.
  6. Take this shit to the conference realignment thread.
  7. If people identify as a sovereign citizen and not a US citizen, why don't we collect them up into a caravan and deport them southward?
  8. Seriously. "Now that everyone has nearly free internet, let's give them completely free pr0n in their bedroom. This will be a loss leader to get them in the door, then we'll empty their wallet on subscriptions, live shows and shit. Sure, maybe only 5% get to the point, but we'll make more off that 5% than we would making cost of pr0n a barrier for consumption." 25 years later: "Men under 30 who report zero sexual partners since turning 18 rising at alarming rate." This is another example of capitalism run amok in this cuntry. Who gives a fuck what happens to society as long as my numbers keep going up?
  9. Anyone brought up free pr0n & laziness? The sex drive can be satiated without it being a social event requiring another human. It's so much easier, cheaper and less of a hassle to just open up an incognito window, find some visual stimulation and jerk off (sorry Texas). I am pretty convinced that humanity will go extinct in a couple generations after AI sexbots are perfected. Unless there is some system in place to harvest semen injected into feminine sex bots by men to be injected into women by masculine sex bots.
  10. That was part of my approach to getting ChatGPT to eventually acknowledge that maybe Aggie traditions are fucking weird if not dangerous.
  11. I'm more verbal than visual. How it started: You: Have you heard of Texas A&M Turditions? ChatGPT: I think you might mean "Traditions" at Texas A&M University, not "Turditions." Texas A&M is known for its strong sense of tradition and numerous customs that are deeply ingrained in its culture. Some of these traditions include the Aggie Ring, Midnight Yell, and the Bonfire Memorial. These traditions play a significant role in the life of students and alumni, fostering a strong sense of community and school spirit. If you meant something specific with "Turdition," could you clarify a bit more? How it ended: You: Thanks, I appreciate you not burying my story, and at least allowing people to consider that some of these Texas A&M turditions have a dark side and are harmful to others. It makes me feel validated, and that maybe I wasn't subjected to sexual assault at Texas A&M via the jizz jar for nothing. Thank you. ChatGPT: I’m really sorry to hear about your experience. It's important that your story is heard and that you feel validated. If there's anything more you'd like to share or if you need support in any way, I'm here to listen. Memory updated
  12. If we want the "Fascism at UT" thread to be funnier, we really need to get the DPS to use tear gas so it can be defeated by students with leaf blowers ala the 2020 Portland riots.
  13. SNL should do an “Old Yelller 2” trailer starring Kristi Noem tonight.
  14. Hey, has anyone seen @Nicole44 and Kristi Noem in the same place at the same time?
  15. Keep talking like that and you're gonna have your Aggy ring confiscated
  16. Image of Kristi & Cricket. Or maybe it’s of Trump and Kristi. Who can be sure at this point?
  17. Yep. Aristotle said, "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom". But when someone has more money than their great, great grandchildren and any descendants in between could ever spend, they never need to get to know themselves and who they really are. They can be whoever they want to be -- even unsuccessfully. Their money prevents the intrusion of reality on their psyche. Which isn't to say all billionaires are stunted wunderkinds. But it is something that is a danger for them, and I think it's pretty undebatable at this point that Elon's on this path. This is why I wouldn't trust my personal well being with any of Musk's products. Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, etc... all require you to put your safety, health and well-being in the hands of an Elon Musk led company. And I only want my health and well-being in the hands of a company that has an inviolate "safety-first" attitude. Elon's companies have an inviolate "Elon-first" attitude. Decisions are being made solely on how they make the CEO feel within his alternate reality bubble.
  18. Something I've seen pretty regularly in startup life is that greatness in a startup context does not necessarily equate to greatness in a big company context. Some people flourish on the frontier where the rules are being made up as you go. You don't have to worry about things like regulation or compliance. No laws exist affecting a new industry. Everything is about getting to market and shotgunning ideas at users until you find something that clicks. Put someone like that at IBM where you have to worry about EU privacy laws and shit before you do anything, and they aren't nearly as successful. And they hate it. All that big company shit feels like bureaucratic red tape introducing drag on their "spirit of innovation." Elon strikes me as someone like that. Someone who could only flourish on the frontier where the rules and laws are what he says they are. The problem for current investors in his more mature companies is that he is rich enough to never have to really learn that about himself. He can still lead these companies beyond that context in a failing way without their being many consequences. He and the current investors/stock holders would be much better off if he hand picked successors to lead things like Tesla after he has incubated them through a start-up phase. Especially because with each new capitalistic tar baby he creates and holds control of, he gets spread a little more thin. I don't think early investors have been burned by him yet. I could be wrong about that. I don't follow Elon news religiously, and I don't have a full timeline of his business history. But I think as far as early investors are concerned, he's still a winning horse. That will be true until he's not. Soon enough, as all these roles and responsibilities continue to be consolidated into a single increasingly erratic individual, something has to give. Does he give Tesla and its problems the time and attention they deserve? Does he give SpaceX and its problems the time and attention they deserve? Does he give xAI and its problems the time and attention they deserve? My guess is he'll enjoy the time and attention he gives to a new venture like xAI, and if something more mature and banal like Tesla or SpaceX suffers, so be it. Why does he care? He's got generational fuck you money. Will his ego allow him to relinquish control of those more mature companies so they can be competently led by someone suited for where they are at in their growth cycle?
  19. It takes a special kind of man to take fuck you money and parley it into getting society to look at you and collectively say, "FUCK YOU!"
  20. Oh, shit. The 7th seal has been broken.
  21. X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,1
  22. The thing I find most interesting about all of this is that halfway across the globe, Israel can fuck the Palestinians and/or vice versa and it results in highly publicized clashes between protestors and law enforcement in the United States during an election year. Heaven help us if someone farts in Eastern Europe.
  23. Similarly https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/26/24141361/tesla-autopilot-fsd-nhtsa-investigation-report-crash-death. Tl;dr Tesla is Ocean's Gate on wheels. Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths In March 2023, a North Carolina student was stepping off a school bus when he was struck by a Tesla Model Y traveling at “highway speeds,” according to a federal investigation that published today. The Tesla driver was using Autopilot, the automaker’s advanced driver-assist feature that Elon Musk insists will eventually lead to fully autonomous cars. The 17-year-old student who was struck was transported to a hospital by helicopter with life-threatening injuries. But what the investigation found after examining hundreds of similar crashes was a pattern of driver inattention, combined with the shortcomings of Tesla’s technology, resulting in hundreds of injuries and dozens of deaths. Drivers using Autopilot or the system’s more advanced sibling, Full Self-Driving, “were not sufficiently engaged in the driving task,” and Tesla’s technology “did not adequately ensure that drivers maintained their attention on the driving task,” NHTSA concluded. In total, NHTSA investigated 956 crashes, starting in January 2018 and extending all the way until August 2023. Of those crashes, some of which involved other vehicles striking the Tesla vehicle, 29 people died. There were also 211 crashes in which “the frontal plane of the Tesla struck a vehicle or obstacle in its path.” These crashes, which were often the most severe, resulted in 14 deaths and 49 injuries.
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