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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Oh, I don't want it to manipulate it to sound like a joke and be funny. I'm trying to see if I can outsource the tedious aspects of marriage to AI (trollface). I want it to generate what my wife wants to hear or read. I want AI to make me appear to be a better husband than I am. I want to be...
  2. My anniversary is coming up, so I decided to see if I could delegate conveying my personal, heartfelt emotions to AI. This is pretty awesome! With very little effort you too can be a digital Mr Wonderful doll, at least in written text. Prompt: Write a heartfelt letter to my wife for my anniversary. Please convey how important she is to me and how much I love her. Don't be too flowery with the words, make it sound informal and personal. Edit: The immoral hacker in me wants to see a catfishing mashup that integrates with online dating websites and ChatGPT/DALL-E to see how many people could be fooled into falling head over heels in love for an AI generated persona. I'm too lazy to ever act on that, but I bet you could catch a lot lonely hearts out there.
  3. A ruling class depends on another class to rule over. Ergo, fuck away, peasants!
  4. Elon is more Turducken than Turkey. He's an incel stuffed inside a nazi stuffed inside the world's richest man. I guess that makes him a Rinazcel.
  5. This is the 2nd time in recent weeks that Trump has brought up AI as something used to alter footage of him. This tells me that A) the pee tape is real and B) it’s about to surface. Bravo!
  6. Because no technology ever advances or is made scalable. My fear of AI has nothing to do with a singularity and sentience, that is very far off and/or unlikely. My fear is the moment of convergence between quality and commoditization, which is coming sooner than we will be ready for. It's the point in time when any asshole can prompt: make a video of my political opponent having sex with a minor and the AI spits out something that is virtually indistinguishable from reality. Reality is already obscured by the relatively slow stream of human generated misinformation. AI is going to increase the amount and quality of the bullshit by orders of magnitude and make it incredibly difficult to understand what is happening unless you are there to personally witness it.
  7. To this day, me with a brown sugar cinnamon pop tart:
  8. How do you know our legislators are not digital personas developed and controlled by AI?
  9. I’m kinda ready for the rapture so people like this go away and those of us left behind can get to fixing this mortal coil.
  10. @Helobious is right, this is just too damn much.
  11. Like the VJ Day kiss pic. Let’s call this one VTay Day.
  12. I understand you don't like her for your own reasons. There are a lot of people who suddenly in the last week or so "decided" they don't like Taytay. I am speaking about them. Sorry to catch you up in my broad brush.
  13. My point is that the fallout is probably dependent on the coach/organization and what they want to make of it vs uniform across the league. Maybe AJ Brown would face some more serious repercussions with the Eagles vs Kelce with the Chiefs. His statement that he'd be drummed out of the league is just wrong, but he might have some significant consequences within the team he is a part of.
  14. He wouldn't have been kicked out of the league, but if Jeff Fisher was his coach, his career with the Chief's would be over.
  15. I will say, there is some guerrilla marketing genius to politicizing the super bowl. If you are someone who benefits from America's discord, making the game about politics vs football got you way more attention and consideration than you would have gotten otherwise. A 30 second ad to promote your brand or idea? $7 million. Making everyone take sides in the Super Bowl culture war? Priceless.
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