Something we can all agree on!
How many people were harmed during Covid from injecting themselves with bleach as Trump suggested might be a treatment? How many injected themselves with horse paste as was circulating online as a proper treatment?
I know a ton of people that didn't vaccinate, didn't mask up and didn't social distance, and it had absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump. And Donald Trump being wise, sensical and Presidential would not have gotten them to carry themselves otherwise. They didn't vaccinate, mask up or social distance because they exceeded some critical threshold of stupidity and/or distrust of government that allowed them to fall victim of a digital grass roots movement promoting conspiracies, lies and misinformation online.
One thing I think is under appreciated here is that it is not Trump leading these people astray. He's their figurehead, but these people were already fucking astray. And to the degree they've been led there, they've been led by their pastor, their family member, their friend, the community around them telling them, "Hey, you need to be aware this is going on" while passing them some bullshit meme, blog post, YouTube video or the content thereof. It is at least as influential in their mental context as a steady diet of Fox News.