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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. I finished up my self mix & master of the big epic I've been working on and sharing incrementally here. I'm pretty damn proud of it. Its the best original music I've been involved with as a composer and musician. If you have 10 minutes to spare, give it a listen on some good speakers or headphones. I may pay to get it more professionally mastered before publicly releasing.
  2. He will be less dangerous, but possibly more annoying, after death. I mean, some evangelicals will kick the holy spirit right out of the trinity and replace it with Trump. Texas is going to name every new highway after him. He's gonna be a living martyr to a lot of gaping assholes. Like a degenerate, narcissistic Obi Wan Kenobi. And eventually, someone more intelligent and capable than him will see his political career as a playbook to learn from and improve upon.
  3. Yeah, I use the GC with my little Fender champ, which is the only real amp I have left. But it seems like it would play nice with different amps given the various EQ profiles.
  4. I really like their Gain Changer pedal.
  5. That is an awfully small sample size. I'd be curious about the average across the other at least 246 I'mGonnaShitInYourMom'sVaginas out there.
  6. Got the pickguard and bridge swapped out, gonna get it set up again tonight.
  7. What Liam should have retorted: "As soon as you quit making like an actor with the performative theatrics, Gregory."
  8. In fairness, nuking a hurricane would be fucking cool. It wouldn't work, at least not without some horrific butterfly effect, but it would be fucking cool.
  9. He obviously didn’t need any!
  10. Someone came here to kick intardnet ass and eat fruit snacks, and they are all out of fruit snacks.
  11. Rest in peace, SI. I think we should all observe a moment of silence in its memory. The sounds of rhythmic fapping excepted.
  12. Wait a minute. Do you mean to tell me that Donald J Trump is an immoral and unethical asshat?
  13. My favorite trend of modern intardnet political debate: That's bullshit misinformation you found on the internet. You wanna know how I know? Because of this golden information I found on the internet.
  14. I came to post this, but you beat me, so I'm just gonna steal it for my new avatard.
  15. Rural Texas has its reasons to loathe their government that is often inept if not criminal. I get that. What I don't get is holding that position in your mind while driving around in a truck bedazzled with back-the-blue or thin-blue-line bumper stickers.
  16. Was the poster ripped to shreds? Or their opinions? Were there multiple posters saying "YOU SUCK AS A HUMAN; PLEASE GO DIE" or were there multiple posters saying, "YOUR UNINFORMED OPINIONS ARE HORSE SHIT AND HERE IS WHY"? Are both of those equally bad in your eyes? I'm legitimately curious. I read through the thread and agree that the back and forth turned silly and not at all interesting, but nothing registered to me as a personal attack. But maybe there was and I missed it? I am too lazy to go sift through the horse shit again to find out for sure.
  17. I know the Fullerton AVRI strats from the early-mid 80s are pretty valuable/collectable now. I think they go from $2K to $4k depending on condition and if its a 57 or 62 year reissue. I know a lot of people try to piggy back that with the later 80s AVRIs and like to claim "the neck was carved in the Fullerton plant before assembly in the Corona plant!" or some such. I played an 1984 '62 AVRI from the Fullerton factory at Austin Vintage Guitars and it was nice, but the 1993 '57 AVRI from the Corona plant they had played better to me and was $2000 cheaper. I'm guessing its roughly equivalent to a late 80s strat made at the same factory. Anyway, I bought it and it's a guitar I will own and cherish forever.* * "Forever" limited to ~2 weeks
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