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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Buy that shit or I'm going to buy one of these...
  2. The idea is to have a really versatile guitar with strat & les paul pickup combinations and something approaching their tones in one guitar. This guy, too. He uses all of the possibilities.
  3. Heh, yeah, whatever an articulate pickup sounds like, these are the opposite of that. Play a complex chord with extensions and it just sounds like rumbly flatulence. The HSH Suhr I had with Suhr pickups were articulate and sounded good full or split in all positions. It's a totally unfair comparison, as the pickups in that Suhr probably cost more than this whole guitar. But the Harley Benton is gonna need to sound like that for me to want to play it along with my other guitars. Anyway, I'm gonna make sure I can get the thing playing great first, then I'll be on a cheap-but-good pickup hunt.
  4. Thanks for the heads up, I look forward to watching this.
  5. Thanks. I hadn't known the name or why behind it. It is noticeably absent on the veneer tops of both the PRS and Harley Benton. Nah, he's right. "In gemology, chatoyancy (/ʃəˈtɔɪ.ənsi/ shə-TOY-ən-see), or chatoyance or cat's eye effect,[1] is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gemstones, woods, and carbon fiber. Coined from the French œil de chat, meaning 'cat's eye'. The chatoyant effect is typically characterized by one or more well-defined bands of reflected light, reminiscent of a cat's eye, which appear to glide across the material's surface as the chatoyant object or observer shifts position."
  6. Daryl Royal Bear Bryant Tom Osbourne Jimbo Fisher It's hard to follow in the footsteps of a legend.
  7. You might struggle, too, if you were named after an accidental pants shitting.
  8. Wow, @'stache, you must have a very hungry tapeworm! It's very generous of you to let it take so much of your typical nutrient intake. Am I doing workplace compliments right?
  9. Fuck you glass-half-full assholes.
  10. Where I can tell a big difference between the cheap maple veneer tops and say the maple tops on the Les Pauls I currently or have owned is in the depth and movement of the flame. With a badass maple top, it almost is like a hologram. The flames move, shift and fade in/out in the top as your angle of perception and/or the angle of light changes. These tops don't do that. It's more static, so it is more like a photo-realistic snapshot of a badass flame maple top vs a badass flame maple top. At least when you are holding the guitar in your hand and looking at it.
  11. It’s “maple veneer”, which is allegedly a real piece of maple, albeit much thinner than say the top on a Les Paul standard.
  12. So I got the Harley Benton Fusion in and tl;dr I think it lives up to its hype as far as being good bang for the buck and a great platform to upgrade from. This has the same features as the Suhr I had and sold. 24 stainless steel frets, HSH pickups with a push/pull coil split on the tone knob. For a new guitar and if you can do your own setup and mods, its a steal. It has a couple minor cosmetic issues, but looks great. Playability was good out of the box, very good after a basic set up. If I work on the nut a bit and polish the frets, I think its going to play excellent. The locking tuners seem to be ok and the trem as well. At least they don't feel cheap, but how good they really are will be known over time. The sounds disappoint me. Its extremely low-midrange heavy and kind of dull and mushy across the board with pickups full or split. I wouldn't use it at a gig or to record with right now for this reason. I imagine I'm just gonna replace all the electronics in it to get it to where it would be something I'd want to play and hear along with my other guitars. I recently bought a used PRS SE Mark Holcomb (2nd pic) and its as playable but sounded real good without needing any upgrades. I spent $300 more on the used PRS, but by the time I buy new pups and such, I'll probably have roughly the same amount into both guitars with more time/effort spent on the Harley Benton, so I don't know. If there is a used PRS SE or Reverend that offers what you want, you're probably better off getting one of them for $500-$800. But those brands don't offer an HSH guitar, or a Rick 12 knock off, or electric mandolins and banjos, so... I'll keep tinkering with this, and you'll probably see more Harley Benton NGD in this thread for some of those niche instruments that would be nice to have on hand to record with, but which I don't want to invest much in.
  13. Some interesting articles from the last two weeks. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/11/20/a-coder-considers-the-waning-days-of-the-craft https://stackdiary.com/chatgpts-training-data-can-be-exposed-via-a-divergence-attack/?utm_source=tldrai
  14. Society collapses and stock traders are among the first wave of humans cannibalized for sustenance.
  15. Have been riding a creative wave, so verse 4 is mostly wrapped up. This pretty much completes the song minus the tracks to be done by others and forever-in-progress vocals as mentioned previously. Then I guess a final mix and master, which I may do myself or outsource. I'll post the full song end-to-end once I get everyone else's tracks in place. Feedback/thoughts appreciated.
  16. Cool, thanks. Yeah, I’m probably going to pick up superior drummer for drum samples when it’s time to do the drum track with a real drummer.
  17. Alright, spent the past week working on verse/part 3 and I'm digging it, so gonna share now. Again, no Sidis piano or real drummer yet, and the vocals are a work in progress. This has an extended instrumental section in it, and is the longest of the 4 parts at 3:22. I am not 100% certain I like how this wraps up, I am going to let it sit for a day or two then I may play with the end a bit more, but its good for a first pass and check in if anyone wants to listen and critique. Dearest brother,Is that you at the door?I can see your faceBut I can recognize you no moreNo, no, noIt's not a good timeYou shouldn't have comeYou should go back to your homeBeyond a distant sunFar away from me
  18. There’s a whole lot of room between “we should ban all guns” and “we shouldn’t have any gun restrictions whatsoever” that should be able to be explored to “keep mentally ill people with a track record of violence from owning guns.” But not in this cuntry.
  19. I took a flier on a fusion HSH, will see what it needs to be made to play good, and if I can provide that. If that works, I'll see what it needs to be made to sound good. Intriguing company with some gear offerings that might allow one to round out a sound palette with niche instruments on the cheap. Like, I see they make a knock off Rickenbacker 12 string, as well as mandolin's and banjos.
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