Yeah, their need to shove their freedom in your fucking face gets reaall annoying. This guy insists on exercising his 2A rights on public streets outside tourist businesses up here. Turns out tourists don’t like shopping with an AR in their face. I am hoping that someday it dawns on these people that true freedom is just living your life in peace, and letting your neighbor do the same.
On Sunday, August 27, Danny Taylor, the armed man who has taken to standing on the north side of the intersection of First and F Streets in downtown Salida, donned, in addition to an AR15 pattern assault rifle, a megaphone instead of the upside-down American flag he usually carries. He began broadcasting speech directed at Ark Valley Voice.
Law enforcement officials contacted in regard to this incident have dismissed it, claiming Taylor is just exercising his First and Second Amendment Rights.
But what ensued that afternoon calls into question whether a single individual’s right to possess an acknowledged dangerous firearm supersedes the rights of dozens of others who feel threatened by it, to both feel safe in their own businesses or travel peacefully through our city free from fear or intimidation.