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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. I am not asking anyone to. I am saying the advertisers weren't hurt by his fuck you, and he won't be hurt if there is a mass advertiser exodus and resulting twitter collapse. He'll still have 100+ billion in net worth. The people Elon gave a big hearty "fuck you" to were all the employees at Twitter who don't have his fuck you bank roll. Whether they deserve it or not doesn't change the fact that they will be the ones that appreciably pay for his arrogant assholery.
  2. Ya'll need to get real. In a post apocalyptic world, we're gonna be trying to render fat into diesel or charge our electric vehicles with makeshift solar panels when we get ambushed and eaten by Alex Jones.
  3. I've never played a casino but have owned a couple ES-330's and they were fine guitars, but very narrow in application imo. Playability was on par with anything else I owned, but the tone was definitely different/unique being fully hollow with the trapeze tailpiece. Not much sustain because of the trapeze, and they produced some very woody/boxy overtones that you'll love or hate. Then there is of course the need to battle the feedback if you are wanting to play loud or with any sort of gain. I think all that makes them very niche -- great for jazz, old-school blues and 60s light overdrive jangle but not much else. A 335 with the TOM bridge and stop tailpiece is gonna be something you can play in any setting. A 330 isn't that. That's ultimately why I sold them, loved them when I wanted what they bring, but ultimately they were niche guitars that were too expensive to be a niche guitar given my budget.
  4. I worked while the video played on mute, then I posted I liked the IO option and quality of amp captures.
  5. https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/sweetwater-giveaway-neural-dsp-quad-cortex-quad-core-digital-effects-modeler-profiling-floorboard.2516703/ Gear page is having a giveaway for a Neural DSP Quad Cortex amp modeler/profiler unit. Even if you don't like the digital shit, they are selling for quite a bit on reverb and you could parlay that into something nice you do like. You have to watch some 30 minute Sweetwater video and then post what excites you about the quad cortex. Just play that shit on mute then post "The various IO options and quality of profiled/captured amps" or some other BS. Estimated Price Range Based on 892 orders for Quad Cortex 2021 Gray in Good to Mint condition $1,213 - $1,480
  6. Posters are having their free speech squelched by the government, mainstream media and woke corporations. Posters with vile ideals are being socially rejected by mainstream society.
  7. Oh, wow, another hot millenial guitarista that’s into Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath! 🎸🎶👍🍆🍑🍩 <like-follow-subscribe>
  8. This is important to understand. Earth is already speaking. A large portion and majority (i.e. the mainstream) of us dislike Elon's views to such a degree that we are leaving the platform. That's the sum total of the conspiracy. Elon is being socially rejected because he is socially abhorrent. Its not the guvment. Its not the media. Its not woke corporate blackmail. Its Elon being awful and mainstream society saying "Um, yeah, no thanks. You're awful. I'll get my breaking news elsewhere." And when we as consumers move on, Twitter becomes of lesser and lesser value to corporate America and they finally move on, too. Ironically, that's all breaking news to Elon, who only hears what he wants to hear in the echo chamber he's erected around himself. Hence his visible shock when the audience didn't erupt into effluent adoration when he told advertisers to go fuck themselves. Its lost on all of his supporters, too, which are likewise living inside the Elon informational bubble. That is what gives me the most hope for the future. The assholes who want to upend mainstream US society are constructing their strategies in a fantasy land not reflective of reality or the society that the vast majority of people want to live in. And they are clueless to that fact because they surround themselves only with the voices they want to hear.
  9. How are the government and the media involved in this self-immolation? The conspiracy that Elon is a victim of is that American consumers are by and large good people who don’t want to support companies that promote hate. Brand X sells to the public, and has a small engagement with Twitter as a vendor. Twitter’s CEO does something the general public (you obviously are outside that group) finds repulsive, and brand X decides it’s in their best interest to not be associated with Twitter as they should be allowed to do in a free market economy. There is no government/media conspiracy trying to take down Elon. Across all his companies, the government is Elon’s biggest customer.
  10. Whatever about JoeB as a musician or songwriter, it’s very fucking cool what he did to help Eric Gales resurrect his career after addiction. Joe Trumpeted him as the best blues-rock player alive today, produced his last album for a cost of two cans of Diet Coke, and has pretty selflessly helped Gales get back on track musically. KELLY: That's the Joe B. in the song. GALES: That's the Joe B. That's the Joe B. in the song. Joe's career went one way, and my career went down a dark path. Me and Joe had a conversation when this record was coming up. And he said, Eric, you have no idea how long I've been watching and waiting for you. It's time for you to get your crown. It's him that said that to me. GALES: We knew that the world was going to take it and run with it as a preconceived notion that it's a competition. It's never a competition between me and my best friend. It's a conversation that we were having in that boxing ring. It just so happened to been in a boxing ring, so people will perceive that as a competition. And Joe said, what the hell? Let's run with it.
  11. I’m not asking you to feel sympathy for them, I’m saying it is they and not the brands leaving Twitter that are going to feel the effects of Elon’s “Fuck You.”
  12. Elon likely won’t feel a ripple when Twitter goes under. Also likely true of the half dozen c-suite execs, too. And the brands pulling their advertising aren’t going to notice the loss of any return on their marketing budget spent on Twitter. If their business was dependent on Twitter, they would still be there. They have done the math to see how much it costs them to be associated with Elon vs how much they make advertising on his social media platform and made a logical free-market decision to say we’ll be taking our business elsewhere. The ones that are going to feel the pain are the ~1000 employees of Twitter. In this case, the “fuck you” Elon’s money enables him to deliver is being directed at his employees more than anyone. The CEO just publicly said the company is being killed by advertisers leaving the platform while telling those advertisers who could keep it alive to fuck off. Few who are not independently wealthy themselves are going to want to accept that as leadership they will follow with their own financial well being at stake. Expect an exodus.
  13. He should have pressed him more, but I get the sense he was taken aback by the lunacy in front of him.
  14. Goredho


    Posted in the guitar thread a few weeks back. This was Jimi at his peak, imo. That’s not a hot take, many people say that. They are right. How he uses the guitar, the tremolo bar, his effects, the amp and feedback to conjure up the sounds of war is haunting and timeless. It’s message applies to Vietnam, to Bosnia, to Kosovo, to Iraq, to the Ukraine and to Gaza.
  15. He's just got to ride out these lean months until Trump gets back into office and civil unrest ensues. Then he can kill another lefty to make it rain again.
  16. Joining the fray again with a 4 part big proggy piece in the vein of early-to-mid 70s Genesis, Yes and Pink Floyd. The song is called "Gemini" and its about the estrangement and dissolution of the twins and what their existence afterwards might be like. Its meant to be an allegory for what's going on in this country where so many of our constituent citizens are actively working to sever the ties that bind us. This one is different for me as I wrote lyrics and I'm giving singing a go (I suck). I've got the lyrics and piano composition done end to end, and things laid out with scratch piano, vocals and drums. @sidis is going to give me a better piano track throughout (though I imagine some of it shifts to organs or synths) and a drummer friend is going to let me kick the AI drummer to the curb. I've already laid the bass throughout. Now I'm going back and fleshing out each part/verse. I don't know whether I am going to be able to pull off the vocals I want to hear, so I may enlist help there at some point. Anyway, things are coming together for the first part/verse after adding some acoustic guitar and a solo to close it out, so I figure I'd share. There is no real mixing done here yet, though I have thrown some EQ and effects on some of the tracks. @jimmyjazz you might be interested in the vocal recording, as its the first thing I've recorded with your mic recommendation -- the Lauten LA-220. I don't really know what I am doing as far as working with mics and recording vocals, so if it sucks, that is probably why. Any thoughts/feedback appreciated. Full lyrics for the song spoilered below:
  17. He's a great brother and I owe him a debt of gratitude.
  18. Ted Nugent, Travis Tritt and Kid Rock should form a supergroup called "Rage Against the Voting Machine".
  19. No, he should make it like a real cat and shit and piss all outside the litter box.
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