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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Goredho


    I don’t know that he’s changed the culture. I am afraid it might be the same culture with a vastly upgraded roster. The talent level of the average player on this team is as good as it’s been since at least the Colt years (VY for oline) and yet we’re still trying our damnedest to lose to teams with vastly less talent. The ugly we saw in this game is no longer an isolated, outlying sample from this team. It’s happened in multiple games across both QBs.
  2. Goredho


    The US Navy just released a new UAP report. Apparently all unidentified aerial phenomenon can now be explained as errant Malik Murphy passes.
  3. I’d have preferred it had suffered a catastrophic failure within 33 milliseconds of the start of that video
  4. Trump wasn't a President. Trump was and is a hatchet man for the US government. If you want to see the U.S. federal government dismantled, he's the best President of all time. He's kind of uniquely gifted to be that guy, because they have to have: a ruthless CEO's sociopathy and lack of concern for others a malignant narcissist' self-aggrandizement and unshakeable confidence a career criminal's lack of morality and disdain for the law a mental moron's stupidity so as to be oblivious when they are failing
  5. In a twist the good guy with a gun was the bad guy with a gun. https://www.denverpost.com/2023/10/30/death-investigation-glenwood-caverns-adventure-park-closed/
  6. Wow, and that only cost $250K for the experience.
  7. Dirty liberal tricks to steal elections
  8. Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: They were, in fact, dumb enough to think he was going to fill in for 2-3 weeks and win a heisman.
  9. I don’t have it yet, but this is on its way. Can let you know how it goes.
  10. Petition to rename that Church’s location to Iglesia’s.
  11. This website is dangerous to your pocketbook. https://delicious-audio.com/
  12. Seems like the Koffs ought to have some sort of trial by combat option for these scenarios. In other news, Jason Momoa tells Joe Bonamassa to go get his shine box.
  13. That’s easy. They are thinking the elections will be won without the need to garner the legitimate vote totals to win. And anyone who believes the 2020 election was stolen will accept that as a necessarily evil response. We think of free and fair elections as being in peril. The MAGA brain views them as long gone and believes that we are already living in a post-Democratic nation.
  14. At what point does this GOP disunity signal that the GOP has effectively splintered into two parties that are as unable to work with each other as they are democrats?
  15. Yeah, there is a learning curve that could be a barrier depending on one’s tolerance for such things. But they’ve done a nice job making it to where the complexity is kept squarely front loaded from any performance. It replaces 3+ pedals and during a gig, I’m only pressing up/down to switch between presets/boards or the 3 stompbox switches to turn the 3 fx on/off as needed. For me, that’s much preferred over fiddling with knobs across 3+ pedals between songs or sets to dial things in to how I had them at a rehearsal for that song or set. I would give my left nut for something similar for boost/OD/dist/fuzz and common gain/clipping circuitry patterns. EP boost, blues breaker, tube screamer, Klon, Rat, etc… arrangeable in various ways.
  16. Yeah, it’s a real nice most-in-one thing along the lines of those Zoom chorus/delay/reverbs, but its much easier to control and does not audibly suck. The sounds are great and I can’t perceive a sonic diff from their standalone versions of everything they threw in this. My pedal board isn’t small, but I’ve got a lot of stuff on it to enable the one man band thing. The guitar signal chain is just a Rat clone -> Tonex amp profiler -> the Plethora x3. With those 3 pedals into a PA or similar FR/FR I can fit in with any musical style with any of electric guitar, acoustic guitar or electric bass plugged in to the front. I have room for one more wildcard pedal and I’m thinking it’s gonna be an envelope filter/auto wah for funk and psychedelic jam band noodling. Pic shows that signal chain footprint with a guitar pic for scale.
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