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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. I would like us all to close our eyes, remember the great Senator Feinstein from California, and observe a brief moment of silence as we contemplate all of her great ach...
  2. Computer, zoom in on the adult on the porch. Great, now enhance.
  3. Got the Laney amp & Tonex pedal in, and I am pretty excited about what I hear for electric guitar. Haven’t tried bass, acoustic, vocals or keyboards yet, but this may wind up shaking up a lot of my gear.
  4. Absolutely Sark deserves credit for the progress up and down the roster and the progress of this team. He’s got a credible vision for being a winning program, has hired well, recruited well, is using the transfer portal well, playing the NIL game well and has generally built a winning program that is giving the team and the individuals that comprise it the best chance to succeed. As the last 15 years have shown, that doesn’t just happen no matter what material advantages a place like Texas may have.
  5. Lots of impressive things about this team, but maybe the most impressive is how much better the average player is today vs the average player 3 years ago. Especially on the lines. It’s a fucking stark difference.
  6. Just drive down to Luling City Market, grab some BBQ and hang it in the pit area for a half hour while you eat your meal.
  7. That's a super sharp guitar, but the Surly Guitar Owners Association CC&Rs state that all seafoam green strats require an upgrade to cream-colored plastics.
  8. LOL, thanks for helping me extricate my head from my anus, @G650. Have been playing live a lot more this summer, nothing big, but one-man band stuff and sitting in with some local bands at pubs, little outdoor venues, one festival. Anyway, as far as sitting-in-with-bands, I've played mostly electric guitar, but have been asked to play bass, acoustic guitar and keyboards as well, and encountered a few problems. I had to turn down the acoustic guitar and keyboard opportunities because I wasn't really set up well to do them live. I've had times I was plugged through a modeler direct to PA and been unable to hear myself because they had no monitors, etc... Anyway, this has put me on a quest to find something with a 1x12 combo footprint that could work for all those instruments that has a line out to go to PA but a speaker and enough power to be a self monitor. I just ordered these two items from Sweetwater. This has the 1x12 footprint, enough power to be a self-monitor and handle a small pub alone, a line out to go to PA for sound reinforcement when needed, the speaker to handle all those instruments, something akin to 4 channel mixer for busking/1man band gigs/band practice, individual channel EQ, post EQ, and some built in effects. In addition to that, I bought a Tonex pedal. This is an AI powered amp profiler for guitar and bass, and reviews are pretty good as far as tones go. It's real small, which is important to me. I need to fit into whatever space isn't being taken up by the band, so I want something that will fit into the pocket of a gig bag vs needing its own gig bag. I've been using Fractal/AxeFX products for awhile now, so if this doesn't work out, I'll return it and get a Fractal FM3 which is slightly bigger and significantly more expensive but can play presets I've made for the AxeFX. My hope is that I'll have just a single 1x12 combo-sized thing sitting around cluttering up my space, and when I have an opportunity to play, I'll just be able to throw it, a couple cords, and the gig bag with whatever instrument I'll be playing into the truck and go. If its electric guitar/bass, I'll also make sure the tonex is in the gig bag. This is all theoretical. It may turn out to be shit, I dunno. I'll post more about how the experiment works.
  9. Did I dig up some old, abandoned, alternative amp thread?
  10. Have been playing live a lot more this summer, nothing big, but one-man band stuff and sitting in with some local bands at pubs, little outdoor venues, one festival. Anyway, as far as sitting-in-with-bands, I've played mostly electric guitar, but have been asked to play bass, acoustic guitar and keyboards as well, and encountered a few problems. I had to turn down the acoustic guitar and keyboard opportunities because I wasn't really set up well to do them live. I've had times I was plugged through a modeler direct to PA and been unable to hear myself because they had no monitors, etc... Anyway, this has put me on a quest to find something with a 1x12 combo footprint that could work for all those instruments that has a line out to go to PA but a speaker and enough power to be a self monitor. I just ordered these two items from Sweetwater. This has the 1x12 footprint, enough power to be a self-monitor and handle a small pub alone, a line out to go to PA for sound reinforcement when needed, the speaker to handle all those instruments, something akin to 4 channel mixer for busking/1man band gigs/band practice, individual channel EQ, post EQ, and some built in effects. In addition to that, I bought a Tonex pedal. This is an AI powered amp profiler for guitar and bass, and reviews are pretty good as far as tones go. It's real small, which is important to me. I need to fit into whatever space isn't being taken up by the band, so I want something that will fit into the pocket of a gig bag vs needing its own gig bag. I've been using Fractal/AxeFX products for awhile now, so if this doesn't work out, I'll return it and get a Fractal FM3 which is slightly bigger and significantly more expensive but can play presets I've made for the AxeFX. My hope is that I'll have just a single 1x12 combo-sized thing sitting around cluttering up my space, and when I have an opportunity to play, I'll just be able to throw it, a couple cords, and the gig bag with whatever instrument I'll be playing into the truck and go. If its electric guitar/bass, I'll also make sure the tonex is in the gig bag. This is all theoretical. It may turn out to be shit, I dunno. I'll post more about how the experiment works.
  11. That’s, like, fuckin’ discrimination, man.
  12. Well… uh….. Hey! Look! It’s Joe Bonamassa being douchey!
  13. Both are cool. Post your tracking number 😜
  14. I really like cabronita style tele's.
  15. There is something fundamental about MAGA adherents on display here: I do what I want, when I want and everyone else must accept my antisocial behavior or else I’m going to ruin everything. To the degree that MAGA represents any ideology, it’s the ideology of sociopathy. If only Quinn Gallagher had been smart enough to take her to a theater production at Baylor.
  16. To be fair, you could describe her actions as a form of worship.
  17. JoeB can play the hell out of the guitar I mean, close your eyes and listen to this. Don't look at his douchey mug, and forget he just tried to sell you some overpriced, official JoeB merchandise you don't need or want. Its objectively pretty fucking good. My only real gripe about the guy is he's just not authentic as a bluesman and never has been. He dons a bluesy costume, walks on stage, and pretends to be a bluesman for 2 hours while playing a lot of songs he didn't write and singing about experiences he's never had to endure. He was born into privilege, had connections to open doors for him early and has never been a starving artist paying his dues, let alone the poor child of a Mississippi delta sharecropper turning to music to purge his personal pain. But that alone isn't the problem. I mean, everyone here performs covers about experiences they never had and with considerably less skill than JoeB would. I think it's that coupled with the fact that other people put him on a pedestal as the modern king of blues. The grammys he's received for best blues albums are not validation of him as a blues man, they are indictment of the grammys. And while that is not something he controls, he certainly accepts and exploits it. Anyway, that doesn't mean he can't play or that I can't have fun at one of his shows ogling his guitars or even enjoy hearing him close with "Mountain Time" (a lighthearted, original and decidedly non-blues number that he might actually have experienced). But it does mean I'll have at best a tepid emotional reaction to all the blues songs he performs about pain and suffering. "Ok, Biff. Tell me again about your life jumping boxcars and how the white man is holding you down."
  18. Man, I’m becoming really conflicted here. On the one hand, she is a horrific MAGAtician of loose morals who would bring down the country in about a minute. On the other hand, she’s a wanton vixen of loose morals who would pull you into a janitors closet for an impromptu BJ.
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