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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. I would venture to guess that if you could visit Mickey Rourke's mind, you would be in for a lot of good drugs, booze and women.
  2. I hope you both are correct and that I am wrong as fuck or that if such an attempt is in the works, it fails miserably.
  3. He's not going to do that. He'll just say the election is stolen, a few people around the country will take it upon themselves to vote from the rooftops towards their nearest federal building. The federal government will provide the FO to their FA. At that point, it gets very dangerous. I mean, what if, at that point, a couple people that own social media platforms start saying that response by the federal government is the start of "christian/white genocide"? I have a growing fear that the real goal being worked towards by some very influential people is to ensure an infuriating loss to millions. So those angry and terrified voters act out with enough critical mass to serve as a black swan event to wreck Wall Street and the economy/dollar.
  4. About when Lara Loomer started transitioning into Lady Gaga.
  5. He's closing in on an epiphany of self awareness. That's not usually a great time for malignant narcissists and the people tied to them.
  6. You know, if that Iowa poll is real, it’s going to be hilarious when all these dipshits realize they lost getting cuckolded at the ballot box.
  7. It’s almost like the goal is discord and violence with the election just being the mechanism to achieve it.
  8. I don't know how you people forced to live in a state without recreational marijuana laws are still functioning. As for me? Sleeping like a baby...
  9. Yeah, missed that. That’s an awful lot for an extra string…
  10. How much do you like Martin guitars and Johnny Marr? Im pretty sure you can find a comparable off brand guitar in terms of feel and sound for 20% of the price, or 35% if you want to stick with Martin but look at other models (used pricing).
  11. Voted against that one, personally. The biologists tracking wildlife populations at Colorado Parks & Wildlife are best equipped to decide if and how many mountain lions are bagged every year (imo).
  12. So your saying we're not wrong, we're just assholes?
  13. Just got back from Puerto Rico a week ago. Such an awesome island and people. They have lots of issues with their governance and debt, but it seems to stop at corruption, nothing tyrannical. I would move there before back to Texas.
  14. Oh, lawd, I don’t think I could take two thousand more years of this shit.
  15. The only thing I am certain of is that the next two weeks are going to be absolutely fucking bananas.
  16. All we can say from our vantage point is that he's not even keeled. He's up a couple games, down the next two. And when he's down, his body language and demeanor are terrible. Like you can visibly tell, "Oh shit, we've got dark Quinn today." Why that is would just be speculation, but its there and its a pattern seen over multiple seasons.
  17. Yep, he's an emo QB. Probably gets up for games listening to Nine Inch Nails "Hurt."
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