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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Lemme know how it goes, my wife keeps buying me guitar stuff off Temu. It hasn’t been awful. Not gear, more like pictures and rugs and stuff.
  2. That looks like it might do what I need and more. Thanks!
  3. That’s no way to get ahead in life.
  4. The Taylor Swift thing is kind of brilliant. He’s going to make her his nemesis, and the media will be all over it. His cult is going to view all that negative attention from the mainstream media as more evidence of the world being out to get him and them and… Eh… he’s just fucking stupid
  5. I’m torn between: And:
  6. I'm looking for a polyphonic pitch shift pedal that I can tap with my foot to shift between -1 octave, no effect, and +1 octave. I don't care about the semitones in between. A nice to have would be a mix knob to balance the pitch shifted signal and unaltered signal. Anyone got any recommendations?
  7. Texas: Ya'll can go to hell, we're going to Russia. The Spirit of Davey Crockett:
  8. So do you think the media is the problem? Greg Abbott? Or some combination of the two? I think it's some combination of the two. If Greg Abbott didn't create the event, there would be no media there to cover it.
  9. This is the sum total of the mainstream media conspiracy. They are for-profit companies doing what they can to maximize profits in a very competitive market. In many ways, I think a lot of our problems boil down to end-game capitalism run amok.
  10. These posts need more love and attention. But the media, while certainly complicit, didn't create the circus. They didn't send the Texas national guard to this park to make a Texas vs the US government circus. They are guilty of some combination of lazy reporting and willfully participating in and profiteering from the outrage machine, but the genesis of this lies with politicians of a certain ideological bent. And I know their opposition is not above similar tactics on other fronts. Bottom line, angry, scared people are a motivated people. Whether that motivation is to donate, vote, tune in, click, like, etc...
  11. If it was my best friend and nephew at risk of suicide as a result of the border crisis, I would be seriously pissed at the people responsible, too. I’m sorry they are pawns in a deadly game. I’m sorry you can’t connect the dots to see who is putting them in the position they are in. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) argued it is “immoral” for Republicans to reject a border deal to help former President Trump. “I didn’t come here to have the president as a boss or a candidate as a boss. I came here to pass good, solid policy,” Tillis said Thursday, first reported by NBC News. “It is immoral for me to think you looked the other way because you think this is the linchpin for President Trump to win.” Members on both sides of the aisle are upset with Trump’s attempt to kill the border deal to deny President Biden a legislative win. His recent remarks calling for GOP members to oppose a border deal that isn’t H.R. 2 have complicated things for the Senate. … Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) called the effort to kill the bill “appalling.” Romney argued that there is an issue at the southern border and anyone running for president should be attempting to solve it now — instead of solving it later and taking credit for it down the road. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4432079-thom-tillis-immoral-kill-border-deal-trump/amp/
  12. The point is that A) not everyone here owns a gun, B) some people here think all guns should be illegal and C) they may need to rethink those positions depending on how this continues to play out. I can understand the desire expressed by some in this thread to just leave Texas (I did that while back). But this conservative challenge to the federal government isn't going to stop at Texas borders. Even if warranted, if Biden sends the feds into Texas to establish order and protect the sovereignty of the federal government, what do you think Trump will do to blue states if he wins? Give them a hall pass for taking him off the ballot?
  13. You may own guns, you may not think all guns should be illegal, but your assertions above are simply wrong.
  14. I agree with you. More than anything, this is about A) making Biden look like a buffoon/weak and B) giving him a tar baby to deal with while trying to campaign ala Trump's legal jeopardy. But, I do think there is potential there for this to escalate to some sort of tipping point. All it takes is for Biden to send in feds to establish order and then one gravy seal to do their best Ashlii Babbit impersonation on camera and we have a Kent State event where Biden's government looks like what they say it is. At that point, I think Brisket's darkest nightmares look plausible.
  15. You have to own a gun to do everything you talked about. You do. Many here do not, though, and hold a position that all guns should be illegal and would normally never consider owning one. My point is they need to revisit that position, because our civil crisis is going to come to a head long before any meaningful gun reform is enacted that would keep guns out of play in this civil crisis.
  16. So I hope it never comes to that, but some here might want to revisit their positions on gun ownership and regulation.
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