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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. No he wouldn't. Trump makes Russia's greatest adversary fight itself. He will forever be useful to Russia. If Trump ever flees the U.S., he will be set up as a President in exile, with Russia amplifying his messages to the MAGAs in the U.S.
  2. Good, Netflix's documentary offerings are getting a bit stale.
  3. And KISS stands for Knights In Satan's Service!
  4. So, somewhere in Texas, then?
  5. Was me, glad you got to go and have a good time. Looking forward to the pix.
  6. Yeah, who gives a fuck about the instant commissions on gold and silver when you can...
  7. I’m really surprised there is not a Trump crypto currency being hawked as the only safe place to keep your retirement savings while democrats hold power.
  8. Funnily and coincidentally enough, I just found this in my email…
  9. You don’t have to convince people Trump is Jesus. You just have to convince them that Biden is the Antichrist.
  10. Yep, I'm convinced that's a sign of declining mentation and a warning that an aging person is becoming susceptible to scams. Trump/MAGA is the scam of scams.
  11. Trump is pretty fucking adept at conning people below a certain threshold of critical thinking, and the people you mention are the ones that are somewhere in the transition from being high-functioning adults in their intellectual prime to those who buy the "As Seen on TV" crap and get scammed on reverse mortgages. They are retired or counting the days, and the career vacuum is being filled with consuming information from conservative sources.
  12. This reminds me me of non-technical tech managers that regurgitate fractionally-understood gobbledygook in a futile effort to portray themselves as the smartest guy in the room.
  13. They was just two youngins experimentin'
  14. How the hell have you Texas residents not melted into your guitars by this point?
  15. The MAGA logical flaw is even more ridiculously flawed than that. If all it takes to prove a crime are allegations of them on the internet, then Donald Trump is guilty of every charge in every one of these indictments and a LOT more.
  16. Dunno where this should go, but this seems like the Trump thread now, so putting it here. I was watching Drug Lords on Netflix about Pablo Escobar and I was struck by the parallels to Trump that I had not recognized before. Like Trump is now, Escobar… 1. Was the head of a criminal empire 2. Was worshipped by the common man as a Robin Hood anti-hero 3. Mixed crime and politics as a duly elected federal politician 4. Operated in plain sight 5. Avoided any real consequences for his lawlessness for decades 6. Attacked and subverted the institutions set up to protect society from people like him 7. Waged a war against his nation’s federal government with a domestic terror campaign 8. Made it to where the Colombian government and he could not coexist; one of them was going to cease to be Now Trump doesn’t have siccarrios on his payroll ready to go assassinate the attorney general at his direct order, but his followers are seemingly motivated to act in that capacity. They are at the least conveying threats of murder to government officials targeting their crime lord in an attempt to get them to capitulate to Trump. Here’s to the US proving to be as ready for its Trump test as Colombia ultimately proved to be for their Pablo Escobar test.
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