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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Got some time with it last night and this morning. Bottom line -- its a fine guitar. It plays, sounds, looks and feels amazing. Some things I really like: The quality, components, fit & finish is unlike any other guitar I've encountered; its hard to explain or quantify, but this guitar just feels like a precision made piece of equipment any time you interact with it, whether its playing it, turning a knob, stringing the vibrato, tuning it up, etc... The tremolo system is really cool, better than a Bigsby. Easier to string, highly adjustable for where you want the arm to be, smooth as silk and stays in tune The tone and variety of sounds. It's a bright guitar with some jingle to its jangle, especially when you mix in the piezo. That said, you can get smooth as butter, airy and ambient, dark and bluesy or biting and feral. I wouldn't reach for it if I was in a hard rock or metal band, but I don't go into those waters all that often. At times it reminds me of a Rickenbacker, at times it reminds me of a Tele, sometimes it reminds me of an ES-339. If you go the digital route like I have, using the neck + piezo through an acoustic guitar impulse response sounds surprisingly... acoustic. Good enough for my live needs, anyway, where I don't want to be carting around a bunch of different instruments. The neck is great, a medium D, probably about like a Gibson 59 in terms of thickness. They plek it at the factory before it leaves the door, polish the frets, etc... Its set up and playable out of the box, however... Their editorial string choice is kind of a head scratcher. Duesenberg strings and sets up all their guitars with some hybrid 10/50s. So basically the lowest 3 strings are from a set of 11s, the top 3 strings are from a set of 10s. I didn't like it, so I found some pure nickel 10s lying around and strung it up with that. Much better for my tastes. The warmth of the pure nickel helps tame some of the guitar's inherent brightness, too. I don't know if I'll need to adjust anything with the different strings, still felt set up well with the change to me. The electronics/pickup combinations shake out like this: Pickup selector pos 1: Straight bridge humbucker Pickup selector pos 2: Coil split bridge humbucker + P90 neck Pickup selector pos 3: Straight P90 neck When you flip a little switch on the pickguard, you activate the piezo in the bridge. Now if you turn the tone pot clockwise from the mid point you are mixing in the piezo with whatever pickups you have selected otherwise. The piezo is extra bright and jangly, and you can get some really interesting things mixing it in subtly or not-so-subtly. Here's a tone demo with it through my axe fx modeller: 0:04 - Neck P90 + Full Bridge Piezo into Martin OM impulse response (pseudo acoustic guitar) 0:42 - Neck P90 into Fender Vibrolux 1:08 - Neck P90 into Klon Centaur into Fender Vibrolux 1:33 - Neck P90 + Bridge Humbucker into Klon Centaur into Fender Vibrolux 1:55 - Bridge Humbucker into Treble Booster into Klon Centaur into Fender Vibrolux
  2. Dammit, Sheeple. That's obviously a case of 5G activating the micro chip delivered into his body via the covid vaccine.
  3. I wasn’t a big fan of hers, just because I was into other things at the time. She was obviously talented, and persecuted for warranted criticism. Kinda like Ice Cube and Fuck the Police, except it was held against her for the rest of her life. Rest in peace, songbird.
  4. And he'll be believed by all the same people, again.
  5. Will do, I haven’t had a chance to play it yet. Busy work day. Not sure if this is exactly what Isbell plays. They have a few variations on this model. This one has some interesting things going on. Basically neck P90, bridge humbucker and a piezo wildcard.
  6. The new Duesenberg arrived.
  7. Yeah, those are pure nickel like the Curt Mangan's I posted, and I use them for the same reasons you mentioned. Nickel wound with steel core are too bright & ice picky to me.
  8. I like pure nickel 9.5s, so I tend to buy these Here's a link to 10's equivalent https://www.curtmangan.com/10-46-pure-nickel-guitar-string-set/ Can get 15% off your first order with DEAL15 if you want to stock up.
  9. Thanks, didn't know those details. Given that, it seems like once a public API is available, Meta could provide a front end widget that given a URL, makes the API call(s) and displays the content within an enclosing div or whatever, with some config params to control some rendering things. Then the BBS platform just has a small amount of work to do to support it. Add the ability to recognize a threads link and create an instance of the widget in the page with the URL as input.
  10. I am going to go ahead and predict Rudy's cranial oil lines are going to spring a leak again.
  11. There has to already be an API and server-side data, code & infrastructure for the mobile app to connect to and connect everyone together. So the barrier for #1 is probably sorta small. Handling things like auth and rate limiting and all of that. And you can imagine Facebook itself could support Threads embeds quickly. But when we drop a Twitter link here, it's just an HTTP link, the same one from your browser that gives you the content in a desktop browser. So there definitely needs to be a Threads web version. But there is something on the embedding platform side that controls how the content from that normal HTTP response is rendered in an embedding page. That's the part that I don't know how much may be able to be provided by Threads in a widget or whatever that makes adding embed support to a blog or BBS a breeze (couple lines of code). Or if slowly, after a web version is enabled, all these blog and BBS platforms have to develop a widget to support embeds. I imagine support will show up quickly here after any Threads and BBS software side dependencies are covered. Imma's made it pretty clear he's betting on Threads.
  12. The ability to embed content is a big one, and I’m not sure how much of that TwXtter controls versus embedding platforms control. Like, Twitter grew organically over time, and slowly over time you saw different platforms support its embedded content. But now I bet there is a lot more TwXtter content consumed via embeds than directly through their app. So can threads just provide a widget that any content platform can support with minor platform tweaks to have drop-in content? Or does every content platform have to essentially make their own widget to allow Threads content to be embedded?
  13. New guitar tomorrow. Fell in lust with a Duesenberg while trying to find a Gretsch I liked.
  14. Your meter is broken. I am absolutely being serious, and I don't mind being educated. Maybe you have time to tune in fully to every tidbit of every ugly thing in a world overrun with ugliness, but I don't. That's why I asked what Aldean's response has been. So no, you don't know of that courthouse's association with slavery and lynchings except from news stories and the context of this thread. We've both become aware of that courthouse's incendiary history after the video was made and after others made us aware of it. So let's start there. Now that Aldean has no possible deniability that he knows of what the location means to African Americans who were targeted for racial violence at this location, and he has not given any sort of honest mea culpa as to his choice of location, then you are 100% correct. He's a piece of shit. I'd love to see any statements he's issued where he's defending his choices. Anyone able to provide that? He's probably a piece of shit for other reasons, too. But honestly, you, Royiv and people like you that want to shout down those of us who would be your ally if you took the time to educate us civilly, you just push people like me away. Instead of one more on your side, you now have one more who sees a bunch of pieces of shit on both sides shouting, "YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT!" to anyone who doesn't 100% agree with them. So I guess I'll go back to being Switzerland in the culture wars and let you all continue your outrage edging.
  15. So you recognized this: From all your lynching coffee table books you have lying around? Or do you only know lynchings took place there from the context of news reports and this thread? If none of this had happened and I was visiting that area, I might take a pic of that courthouse, and post it on Facebook or whatever. Completely clueless as to its history or its association to the south's violent aftermath of slavery. As soon as someone let me know, though, I'd apologize profusely and take it down. That's basically what CMT did, and I don't have a problem with that. So I'm curious if Aldean has publicly responded to it in any way. I'm not saying he was ignorant and blameless. I'm saying his reactions to that buildings association with lynchings becoming widely known probably speak volumes. Has he rescinded the video, apologized and spoken out against racial violence? If the answer is no, you are likely 100% correct.
  16. CMT was made aware of the courthouse & the history of lynching there, and was like, "Uh, yeah, we weren't aware. Pardon us while we go do the appropriate thing". If Jason Aldean was ignorant of the courthouse & the history of lynching there, what's his reaction now that he's been made aware? Maybe it's already been posted here and I missed it. I can totally buy that there are places in the south that could be chosen as a set location without knowing it came with a context of slavery and lynchings. But once you know and no longer have ignorance as a plausible excuse, what then? That's where your intent gets shown.If Aldean is like, "Fuck all ya'll, I made the video, sorry about your feelings towards ethnic cleansing. Deal with it!" then he's guilty as charged by the would be woke cancel culture mob and deserves whatever heat he may be feeling. Again, I don't know if that has been his reaction.
  17. With 91 posts and -45 rep, you are obviously not Phi Kappa Surly material.
  18. Guthrie is ridiculously good, and probably my favorite currently active guitarist still at their peak. I've seen him live twice with the Aristocrats, he played incredibly difficult and varied music and was literally perfect doing it twice. His hands are like camel spiders, comically oversized for the rest of his frame. My favorite solo of his is from this Steven Wilson song, just beautiful, melodic and haunting.
  19. I'm just going to go ahead and immolate you and then take your telecaster.
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