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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Yeah, I mean, the logical outcome for Prigozhin now is death. Even if he was given some assurances of personal safety, how could he expect someone like Putin or his allies to honor that? He is walking sign of Putin's weakness, and until he is put down violently and visibly, everyone sees Putin as a powerless paper tiger. There is no way Prilosec lives, there's no way he doesn't know that, and there is no way anyone would willingly submit in that scenario unless A) he had a fear greater than his own personal death instilled in him or B) this insurrection is not what it seems (riddle inside an enigma etc...)
  2. No, but I’m pretty sure you are a goddamn NPC.
  3. This whole thing has been like an OU crimson vs cream spring game. The offense kicks the defense’s ass, half the observers predict a national championship because of that O, half think they are going to collapse because of that D. In reality, all we really know is that ROUssia sucks.
  4. My only regret is that these imploding billionaires have but one life to give this thread.
  5. The time machine series came from the custom shop in those years and seems to be great. Two anecdotal pieces of evidence to support: 1. One of my remaining two custom shops is a '63 custom shop time machine telecaster from 90-whatever. I don't think I could get a better Tele at any price. I certainly haven't played one. Interestingly, it's the one reliced guitar I own. 2. Because of the above experience, I watch for Fender Time Machine teles and strats to come on the market on Reverb. They almost never do. People aren't letting them go.
  6. The denizens of this thread could probably author a great guitar buying guide. Another buying truth for me (outside of the scope of Tigol's question) is to target guitars from the 90s. They are now 25-30 years old, and so they feel old and broken in and have at least some of that ineffable mojo that you find in vintage instruments. But you aren't paying vintage prices, and they aren't so old that you really have to be diligent to identify problems, repairs or modifications to protect your investment. Are the frets ok? Is the neck straight? Any cracks, or signs of a neck needing to be reset? No? Cool, its good. I look for guitars that were obviously played over that 25-30 years, that look like they were a gigging musician's #1. Such a guitar is telling you that its a player, and you usually get a natural relic job that you'd pay extra for in a $3000+ custom shop instrument. I have bought 6 custom shop instruments. I still own two, but I replaced 4 with standard grade counterparts from the 90s that are just plain better guitars given my playing preferences. Finally, when you go to the great gig in the sky -- your instrument is a vintage, 50+ year old guitar. You are able to bequeath a vintage instrument to whoever you feel deserves it.
  7. I’d like to echo this recommendation, and give another reasoning behind it. I’ve bought and sold a lot of guitars. If it’s an “off” brand, I inevitably lose money on resale. If it’s an iconic brand but new, I inevitably lose money on resale. But if it’s a used iconic brand…. I lose a little or make a little on resale and it all evens out over a few such guitars. I basically own those instruments for however long they tickle my fancy for free. This lets me keep a mostly fixed amount invested in instruments while cycling through guitars to find the ones I really want.
  8. If your keeping the guild dreadnought, I might look at smaller bodied guitars to have something that’s a little different, which would lead me away from the J45. Something OO, OOO or OM sized. You can get a used Gibson LG 0, 1 or 2 in that size and price range. They have a pretty distinctive sound. I’ll describe it as toothless Appalachian poverty. Very different than a dreadnought.
  9. Nice job bringing two of the best threads on Surly together.
  10. Best is subjective, but I think they are right up there with any pup manufacturer. Very happy with the sound I’m getting here.
  11. I installed some Fralin P92s into the Tennessean. These are humbuckers, but voiced somewhat like a P90. I dialed in a tone on the AxeFX last night using a bassman amp model, and... wow, they are absolutely filthy. As raunchy as the dirty snatch of a dancer on the Mississippi Queen. I think I'm in love. Sound clip below. Unfortunately, the sound quality isn't great as this was just recorded with my phone mic last night. If you have a humbucker routed guitar and want something that sounds P90-ish, these pickups fit the bill.
  12. There but for the grace of Poseidon go I?
  13. I came to post this. I remember it well -- a monkey in the center of a table with just its head sticking out. Everyone whacked at its skull to open it up and eat the brains. I think it was supposed to be in Morocco or some shit? Anyway, I saw it looking for footage of someone getting executed by electric chair where their eyes liquified and drooled out of their sockets all over them as they jittered and spasmed their last. I was looking for that in preparation for a forced debate in class where my dick of a teacher picked me to lead the argument against the death penalty against a girl who would wind up being our valedictorian for a bunch of rural west Texas kids who think people should be executed for jay walking. I didn't win the debate, but I forced a stalemate by opening my arguments with the execution shown on VCR for the class. The debate was immediately cancelled, and I got a week's vacation from school to play fucking Atari tank battle. Never got picked to lead a debate again, either. I still stand by my argument against the death penalty.
  14. My mistake then. Anyway, I want to agree with you, but without a pointless waste of resources, we couldn't in good conscience react with ambivalent memes.
  15. Eh, I don't think they care that much about money. I mean, at least not anymore.
  16. … Now to convince Elon Musk he needs to buy OceanGate Expeditions for 477458534753 billion dollars.
  17. For here am I sitting in a tin can Far below the world The Atlantic Ocean’s blue, and there's nothing I can do, Except drop one last deuce… I’m not sure about the poignancy of these lyrics, Major Tom.
  18. Art of Manliness just re-released a podcast they had about Cormac McCarthy and specifically "The Road". I don't know shit about who runs this podcast and if they are generally worth a shit, but the podcast description sounds interesting enough. I'll be listening on a drive today. Note: Cormac McCarthy died last week at the age of 89. To commemorate his passing, we’re rebroadcasting one of my favorite episodes about one of my favorite books: The Road. Please enjoy. Once a year, I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It’s a cathartic annual ritual for me. What is it about this novel that has such an impact on my soul and those of other readers? Who is the man who wrote it, and what was he trying to do with this story of a father and son struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic landscape? For answers to these questions, I decided to talk to a foremost expert on McCarthy’s work, as well as the literature of the American West in general. His name is Steven Frye and he’s a professor of English, a novelist in his own right, and the author and editor of several books about the reclusive, philosophical author, including Understanding Cormac McCarthy. We begin our conversation with some background on McCarthy and a discussion of his distinctive style and themes, and why he avoids the limelight and prefers to hang out with scientists over fellow artists. We then dive into The Road, and Steve unpacks what inspired it, as well as the authors and books that influenced it. We then dig into the big themes of The Road, and how it can be read as a biblical allegory that wrestles with the existence of God. We delve into the tension which exists between the father and son in the book, and what it means to “carry the fire.” We end our conversation with why reading The Road makes you feel both depressed and hopeful at the same time. A spoiler alert here: If you haven’t read The Road yet, we do reveal some of the plot points in this discussion. Also, why haven’t you read The Road yet? https://www.artofmanliness.com/living/reading/podcast-760-cormac-mccarthy-the-road-and-carrying-the-fire/
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