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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Yep. He’s got to do some more in January, but he’s already doing things that Mack never could in October.
  2. Ooooh, I may have to keep an eye on that Key West feed as the surge increases...
  3. No, it's not. We won't know how dumb we've gotten until an idea is floated that is so unbelievably stupid that it is rejected out of hand by even the dumbest among us. There is still plenty of room to grow more stupid.
  4. Thank God I am in a blue state. If I am going to be punished, I'd rather have had the fun in earning it.
  5. It is hilarious that the only two possible explanations are: A) Government weaponization of the weather against its citizens, or B) Act of God
  6. I have some in-laws in the Tampa Bay area. They own one of those houses on a canal system. I was happy to hear they were planning to evacuate to a 2nd home in Kentucky, but as of midnight last night, they hadn't been able to get out and were planning to leave "in the morning". I don't know if they are going to be able to get out of Florida, but I hope they can get to some shelter on high ground at least.
  7. Nutria Light is the official beer of LSU.
  8. Denial is a hell of a drug. I've seen incredibly intelligent people grasp demonic possession as an alternative to a reality they didn't want to face. And boy is reality something the GOP doesn't want to face.
  9. He pronounces it like "blech." If it was someone smarter and more well read I would think it was an allusion to Mad Magazine.
  10. I put some money in Elon's pocket this weekend and ordered Starlink. I don't really have a choice, my startup grew to the point of needing everyone to be VPNed in, the overhead of that has impacted my connectivity given I am in a rural/remote area that doesn't have a lot of good internet options. I wish there was a less odious alternative, but a man's gotta make a living.
  11. We’ll now we know what happens when an immovable object is struck by an unstoppable farce.
  12. What’s funny/not funny/terrifying is what we see has an explanation. An explanation rooted in science and supported by empirical evidence. Global warming/climate change has been warned about and laughed off for decades now. But some people have gone so far up the river Colonel Kurtz style, they can’t see what’s happening in our changing climate and pause for a moment of reflection: what if the scientists are right? No, it’s easier for them to invent a reality where the US government has weaponized the weather against its citizens.
  13. By those standards my wife deserves a purple heart for nasal wounds suffered in the great dutch oven offensive of 2021.
  14. Evergreen Terrace? I thought that was a housing project in Detroit.
  15. The media loves relevancy and profits, and Trump being all Trumpy gives them both, regardless of which demographic any particular org may cater to.
  16. If something does not change, Republicans are about to be destroyed at the ballot box by suburban moms. You know, those women that turn into cocaine bear when someone looks crossly at their cubs. This is about trying to distract their attention from Roe V Wade and their daughters right to personal health autonomy being taken away by Republicans. Just like they want them focused on their pets being eaten by immigrants. JD Vance said it at the debate, they will exaggerate and fabricate to get people talking about what they want. Unsaid in that is an implication that they will exaggerate and fabricate to get people to stop talking about what they don’t want them to talk about. This is all an attempt at distraction in the lead up to November 5th.
  17. Most people I know, including myself, had turned it off by that point. I was not getting anything out of it, my vote is decided. I’m hoping that undecideds stayed tuned in longer to have witnessed the devastation. By the time I turned it off, I thought it was basically a no-op and my wife (also a decided voter) thought Vance performed better than Walz. She is not as politically informed and so without any fact checking, it was a he-said, she-said to her, with Vance saying it “better” or at least more polished. He probably also gets a lift just by not being Trumpesque in his communication style. She said she’s glad Vance isn’t the one running for President. I was a bit disappointed in Walz, to be honest. He looked somewhat uncomfortable while I was watching and while he did call Vance on his BS often, it just came across as two kids blaming each other for various messes after their parents came home. He’s a lot like Trump in that he’s top notch in a rally setting where it’s about intensity and emotion and conveying passionate belief in your cause and evoking that in others, but debating isn’t his strong suit. Maybe the J6 stuff at the end moves the needle with undecideds, but I think last night will be a push with neither side taking any new ground.
  18. Is that a yarMAGAlke in the first video?
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