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  1. If it ain't broke: RC Didn't Offer If new blood is needed: Business Decisions Lanyards, yo! MuthaHustla Cake & Bingo Plan B Revising some earlier suggestions: Shhhh.... Grown Men $Talking Taking My Talent$ Forearm Girths
  2. Post 51 and ou still sucks.
  3. In a town full of popular microbreweries, Corona, an import, is the official beer of UT.
  4. Live Oak's Hefe and 512's Pecan Porter should be the official blonde and brunette of Austin.
  5. Bill Miller's BBQ is really a fried chicken restaurant and should not be used to elevate your state's shitty barbecue.
  6. Welcome to Austin. Yes, there are better BBQ places than Rudy's. Google or yelp it.
  7. The grackle taco bandits at the Union food court never got the message.
  8. UT use to 'scare' grackles at sundown old West posse style walking around campus shooting shotgun blanks.
  9. It is illegal in Texas to kill grackles thanks to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
  10. Contrary to popular myth, she was never voted as the ugliest man on campus by the fraternities, although she did receive some write-in votes.
  11. She became a regular performer at Threadgill's Tavern and had a mutually endearing love and respect for the owner Kenneth and his wife Mildred.
  12. Janis Joplin's first recorded song, "What Good Can Drinkin' Do", occurred while she was a student at UT.
  13. Trigger, his famous guitar, will be 50 next year.
  14. At the age of 13 Willie got to perform a duet with Bob Wills.
  15. Among his other early honors that includes playing at the Grand Ole Opry;
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