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Everything posted by OWLVIS

  1. Thank yall for this,,, Im finishing Mr Selfridge i love me some BBC
  2. my apologies for the typing mess I have brain damage,,, and I may have Alzheimers now my brain no work good
  3. so very true... Ive had nothing but time to reflect on my life these 4 years and Ive had a lot of arguments with, but most of the hurt was a reselt God haven't managed to win one of them its humbling but its allowing me to let go of so many things recognizing that I did a lot of damage to ,y own happiness,, yes I did have some tough situations but much of the hurt was a result of my choices my vanity, arrogance hubris and I lost so many times I don't know why I tried to live beyond my talents or abilities in a meaningless endeavor I was so stupid, but at least Im realizing that

    Getting old sucks

    Thank you,, Im sorry,, I guess thats a lot sharing out loud when I should be sleeping

    Getting old sucks

    Forgive me. ut has become my only "safe space" to express acceptance of death shit Im going thru' It real and it scared me this weekend The stroke itself would've sucked, Occuring Ap. 20 made a shit a runny one, from a sooner. My first phys therapy didn't happen until 23. Family sold house out from underneath me, haven't spoken with a family member since 21.. and the economy,, cost of living Tay Tay at the Suberb Owl... I think that would kill just about anybody,, and I feel my body quitting.. very slowly but this has been stuck in this gear for a while Anyhew...I do enjoy ,,the stopping and smelling the roses moments,,its really nice to ..let go of anger But Im scared...and for some reason I am sharing this hey at least let me live long enough for HORNS to win a Natty again fuck Willie Nelson might outlive me

    Getting old sucks

    Danced a two-step with Janine Turner at W's inauguration

    Getting old sucks

    I'm dying arent we all but I feel mine coming, Almost 4 years since the stroke an 5-10 in what they give ya,, and the pandemic no physical therapy,, blah, family selling the house sticking me rehab rehab kicking me out 32 days later,, the deciding health .. I can feel it comin' And as much as we like to attach significance to our life and our death and after all the reading and listening Ive been doing to a lot of this and doing honest, deep reflection. And enough far more talented than I have memorialised their experience it's a human experience, I do feel more connected to the experience , and both the unique and shared but less and less to the life itself. But not at all suicidal
  8. jesus, As much I want to hate aggie, because,, well have you spent time around any of them....? they are such a pathetic delusional bunch, how you can you hate when you're laughing? they will never win anything hope this kid is OK, but is such an aggie thing to get all geeked up for a meaningless bowl game and lose the QB on the first play. And YES Rice looked like shit against swt
  9. my first home was a Church basement
  10. Miss Ann raised a good one, one of my life's most treasured moments was breakfast made and served in her kitchen . Yeah ,Earl is a Texas' legend, and Miss Ann should have a statue, for those who know the origin story
  11. Forgive me my response is going to contain plenty of typos and missed punctuation but I am still suffering the effects of my stroke 2 1/2 years ago. I have a similar story of dysfunction within the family albeit with some significant differences mine is less gay and much poorer. I come from a family of ministers both grandfathers all the uncles except one all the cousins older than me except one we're all Assembly of God or Pentecostal ministers in Texas, Arkansas eventually California . My mother is and was mentally ill and could not have children .. so I was adopted I found out at 19 that I was the product of a rape and that's how I came into the world my family also dabbled in cult life during the 70s were a part of the Church of the Redeemer in Houston on the East End the pastor was Graham Pulkingham 60 minutes did a story on it t, here's been books written about it it kind of changed the way churches operate. I don't think it's generally accepted or recognized as a cult but trust me as someone that was in it it was a cult from the ages of 7 to 15 my mother gave me away to several other families within the church one of it which was a family that was dominated by child molestation drunken beatings pretty much the worst of the worst I think my aunts and uncles and cousins all had perhaps a more stable upbringing that I did because the mental illness wasn't a part of their day-to-day lives but it definitely separated our core family from the rest of the extended family . I know them but I really have no relationship with any of them 2 1/2 years ago when I had my stroke at the beginning of the pandemic I was forced to sign over power of attorney to the only person that could do it now was my sister within 10 days of my stroke not even out of the hospital and not yet in rehab they put my house up for sale although my friends and colleagues had raised about 40k something dollars with a go fund me to help me with my recovery my sister spent all that money in making my house ready for sale buying new towels and flatware and table coverings because moving me into my new apartment she wanted me to be able to entertain elegantly I don't entertain in my home and if I were it would not be elegantly. End result here 2 1/2 years later all my money is gone I still haven't been able to get consistent physical therapy I don't talk to any member of my family in fact I've not heard from one of them in the past year but as far as I know none of us were fucking each other. However I do have a lesbian cousin. As a spicy side note, my family did have some significant part in the founding of Lakewood church and the one black sheep uncle played music in music halls across East Texas and Louisiana including a couple of times with Hank Williams once owed a rosewood Les Paul. No mineral rights 'tho.
  12. Irish Civil War , that was the actual war going on across the sea. The last line of the movie tied it up
  13. Such heartbreak and humor, character development. How desperate people deal with pain. Against the deep background of the Irish Civil War , which was just white 'til the last line and then it all made a little sense.
  14. he was an authentic man something that is so rare so unique that it sticks with you as a person.
  15. Most em of weren't GREAT movies, but theye were fun. And his choices influeced so many great movies makers today. And what a " guy to have a beer with" Just a good human being
  16. Did not always agree with him , but always enjoyed the conversation. Had not spoken in several years
  17. Im not gay , but if Annies Song was written about me, John coulda had me over and over again
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