thank you that got me in the feels.. yeah I dont like being handicapped , its not who I am
that is kinda what prompted the cyber revenge question some a-hole is waging a FB campaign calling for removing me from a politicly influencer FB page a small unimportant thing but he's obsessed.
its been texts,calls blocked the number he borrows a phone and keeps at it. and of course all over Social Media
i told him where i would be, live in person if he wanted to kick my ass,,,, he didnt show ( he said he was concerned about covid)i told him i may be handicapped right now but id still kick his ass if he wanted to go
so his next call i just calling him a pussy over and over again,,, them he asks me if trump is a pussy ,,goading me
and I said yeah trumps a pussy and you're a pussy,,, now he's telling everyone I'm a never trumper and that gets a whole new kinda crazy after me on FB
hes threated me with violence and ruination because he thinks can do whatever he wants to a cripple as if Im defenseless