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Bruh Man

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Everything posted by Bruh Man

  1. We had a candidate for that. It was going to be her #1 priority as president. https://www.vox.com/2019/9/16/20867216/elizabeth-warren-anti-corruption-bill
  2. Searched but didn't find a thread on the two most consequential people on the Hill. I figured if we have a thread for every right wing nut job in the Republican party, then these two imbeciles deserve one too.
  3. Because I'm still holding out hope Beto or MM can defeat him. Their odds improve the more right he goes in the primary.
  4. Going to enjoy watching the monster that is the Republican primary voter eat another one of their own w/ Hot Wheels. He might still win the primary, but not before he's pushed to adopt some extreme positions that will hurt him in the primary.
  5. It's spreading like wildfire.
  6. Monmouth has him around that #. Previous two R candidates got 57-58% of the R vote. This guy is a better candidate than Gillepsie and Cuccinelli. Mix in a little CRT, DTP, and Caravan scare tactics, it's not farfetched to believe he will get north of 60% of the white vote.
  7. Suburban white women coming home. I think he gets closer to 61-62% of the white vote.
  8. Youngkin only getting 56% of the white vote seems like a bigger outlier.
  9. Hispanics are breaking 50/50 according to Emerson.
  10. The America's Team virtoil/hate is at an all-time high right now. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
  11. Send a pick to ATL for Grady Jarrett and send an Uber to get Mercilus. This is not the time to sit on our hands.
  12. They are the darlings of the NFL. And Cowboys are the villains.
  13. We need to start dropping bags. I know we won't but, if we were all in on winning, this would be a good time to start. We desperately need an influx of top talent yet "the win and they'll come" approach went out the window today. That leaves us one other option, otherwise this cycle of ineptitude will continue beyond this year.
  14. Show me one lineman that looks like this. Jake Majors looks like a lineman at a good 6A school. This program continues to fall off a cliff.
  15. Our players looked bigger back then. And no, it's not because of the bigger pads. Nobody on our defense looks like this anymore. Maybe Mad Dog knew what the hell he was doing.
  16. Overmatched and overpowered in 3 games this season. At least under Herman/Yancy, we looked the part.
  17. Safeties in Buda on the last play. Head back west PK. Clown...
  18. Feels like we're facing Michael Dickson every game this year.
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